Linux Mint: am I a joke to you

        97 months ago

        I wish eventually it’d become the he facto version. But Debian is so slow to update. Apparently kids these days get anxious if they don’t have a system update every other hour and they buy new hardware every weekend. So Debian is too old school to be useful to them.

        • TimeSquirrel
          7 months ago

          I’m curious what do people here consider “old” since that’s the top complaint about Debian? It’s never more than a year or two behind “bleeding edge” distros. When I think “old”, I’m thinking 10, 15 years ago. That’s considered “old” in the Windows world, but I guess that’s super ancient geological history in the Linux world.

            • TimeSquirrel
              37 months ago

              As not a gamer, I keep forgetting about games and that people also use computers to play them.

            • rumschlumpel
              7 months ago

              Nevermind “maximum performance”, back when Elden Ring came out I needed a fresh version of mesa to get it to run at all. That was on Ubuntu, but I doubt Debian would have been any better. At least it was an easy fix to get fresher mesa from a PPA.

        37 months ago

        Because snaps are terrible. They constantly break parts of apps for no reason. If you have container issues with a flatpak, just use flatseal to punch a hole through the container. With snaps, people will tell you to install the non-snap version because that’s easier than beating snap into submission. I learned that the hard way when I had a university project with kubernetes and docker was installed as a snap. I spent way too much time trying to make it work at all before giving up and switching to a VM on my work laptop where it went surprisingly smooth without snaps.

        Flatpaks are better in every way and since this isn’t about money, we should all just move on and use the best tool for the job.

        But what does canonical think should happen when you run sudo apt install firefox and press Y? That’s right, you now have firefox as a snap. Have fun waiting for 5 seconds every time you start it.

        Shit like that scares new users away from linux as a whole.

      • EP51L0N
        57 months ago

        I’m more of a fishing kinda guy but whatever floats your boat.

    • as a windows user who is planning to switch to linux mint im gonna have to bash Ubuntu by calling it red arch since i assume people are making fun of the best distro linux mint

      • Jelloeater
        13 months ago

        Aside from the snaps being annoying, it’s really not bad and works with any hardware you throw at it.

        TBH, some software unfortunately is ONLY available via snaps… I’m looking at you Telegram and TradingView…

    • Jelloeater
      13 months ago

      It is. I think it’s just a Lemmy thing. All the folks I know use Ubuntu or Mac TBH. Debain is also nice too.

    137 months ago

    …and be userfriendly and must be lightweight on my brand new 32core ryzen.

  • rumschlumpel
    7 months ago

    When I used Mint about 6 years ago, I sometimes got into trouble with Mint’s weird update system. They were also telling users to reinstall instead of updating when there’s a new LTS, which is kinda ridiculous IMO.

    I’m probably not the typical Mint user, though.

      87 months ago

      They recently made a tool that handle the update to a new LTS. I upgraded from mint 20 to 21 and it went very well aside from the the printer stopping. Tried everything and it still doesn’t work. It’s not even a modern DRM galore bullshit printer, It’s an ancient canon lbp6000 laser printer so I honestly don’t know why it stopped.

      If anyone got any idea how to fix it, I’d highly appreciate it.

        27 months ago

        Make sure CUPS is running, go to http://localhost:631 to see the administration interface for CUPS. You’ll probably wanna checkout the ArchWiki page about CUPS too, it’s relevant to many distributions. If it’s a USB printer and not IPP you’ll need to make sure the right drivers are being used. IPP printers work outta the box.

          17 months ago

          Thanks a ton for your help. Yes, it’s a USB printer and I got it originally working in mint 20 by installing the driver using a github script because the official driver didn’t work for some reason. Hopefully, it will work again. Thanks again.

    17 months ago

    Meh. I’ve been rocking Debian based distros ever since Aptitude was released on Debian stable. Which distro just depends on how much free time I have to F around the computer. Lots of time? Something that updates fast. My child was born? I want something rock solid and immutable for years because I don’t want to waste time learning new stuff.

    17 months ago

    I actually have a bit of an interesting combo. I use Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with xfce4 and xubuntu-desktop added after the fact with my install that used the regular Ubuntu installer, because the last time I used the XUbuntu installer, it was buggy for me. lol