Hi everyone, I thought I’d say hi in this new community as a new moderator. I’m Foon (she/her), and I love table top games. My partner and I have been gaming a lot in the past 5 years or so, and we have a bunch of friends that turned into boardgamers too, and boardgamers that we turned into friends. So on average we get almost a game a day in.

I’m excited to discuss all things tabletop gaming with you all. Some of my favourite games are Gloomhaven/Frosthaven, Spirit Island, Aeon’s End, Terraforming Mars.

What are y’all’s favourite games?

  • The Cuuuuube@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Are you born of the great goddesses Foo, Oo, and Oon?

    EDIT: It was rude of me to ask that without being on topic and contributing to the conversation. I’m usually doing table-top role playing games these days. Usually powered by the apocalypse or fate core, but Fiasco 1e is a favorite of mine to introduce people to the concept

    • Foon@beehaw.orgOPM
      1 year ago

      I’d never heard of these goddesses, but after a quick search I’m seeing they are from the Magic Tavern podcast? Is it fun?

      But sure, I’ll be a goddess 😇

      What makes Fiasco 1e your favourite for introductions?

      • The Cuuuuube@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        Yup! It’s a fun podcast set in the magical fantastical land of Foon! I always have to warn people though that it does replicate the feeling of three friends meeting new people in a bar very well in that there’s a lot of nonsense banter. I personally love that, but I can understand why if someone finds that slow pacing where it takes half a year for a basic plot point to be driven forward infuriating that they might not like it, and might be better served by Mission to Zyxx.

        As for why Fiasco 1e? It’s the copy of Fiasco I own, primarily, and it actually seems like 2e is superior in every way for introducing new people to role playing or at least alternative systems to DnD. Fiasco has a ruleset that is super easy to get people to grok quickly and get into the actual role playing and improv elements of TTRPGs without bogging them down with what armor class is.

  • The_Hunted_One@beehaw.orgM
    1 year ago

    Hi, I’m Hunted.

    I’ve been into tabletop gaming for a couple years now. We had a group of friends that we had over weekly for some board games, then Covid hit, and we haven’t really picked it back up on any determined schedule. In the midst of that though, I picked up playing TTRPGs, and those have been a big hit. I’ve finished a few adventures now, primarily in the Pathfinder 2e system, and am just rounding out a level 1-20 AP named Agents of Edgewatch as a player.

    As far as favourite games I’ve played, I’ve always enjoyed Mysterium, Betrayal at House on the Hill, and Codenames, but am no stranger to card games like Skip-Bo, Swipe, and Phase 10.

    • Foon@beehaw.orgOPM
      1 year ago

      Oh of course, I forgot to mention TTRPGs! Would be excited to read more about various RPG systems. I’ve only ever played D&D 5e, I’ve been in 2 separate campaigns for the past 5 years (although one is on hiatus for a few months). I do enjoy it a lot, but it does make me wonder what else is out there. It’s just been difficult to make the plunge and attempt something new…

      Would you recommend Pathfinder 2e to someone like me (for trying out in a oneshot or a few sessions)?

      • Dee@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        If you get into PF2 know that it does everything DnD does, but different (and much better imo). So try not to get frustrated with things at first because I’ve seen that from a lot of 5e players who go into it bringing their 5e expectations.

        Also teamwork is critical. In 5e everybody is a one person army after level 5 or 6 and teamwork isn’t really needed unless forced by the DM. In PF2 you won’t be able to land a hit on certain enemies unless you coordinate with teammates to lower their AC with various techniques and abilities.

        Also, since there’s so much customization with PCs during leveling everybody in the party could make a human fighter and end up with WILDLY different characters by level four or five.

        I could talk for a while about it, but since switching away from 5e I’ve been much happier. I’d say start with the core rulebook stuff first and then add books from there. Going with all of them right out of the gate might give some analysis paralysis because there are so many player options.

        Happy to discuss more though, I’d love to get as many people as I can to not only try what I feel is a better system but one not owned by WotC. Paizo is unionized and doesn’t send Pinkertons to peoples homes so I like them a lot more lol

        • Foon@beehaw.orgOPM
          1 year ago

          Yeah I’m a bit hesitant to try to switch exactly because of what you describe. I worry that everything is just going to be frustrating because we can do the same things, but just have to do them differently. We did discuss making the switch in our group (exactly because we want to step away from WotC and it seems to offer great gameplay), but ultimately it’s up to the DM. I do know they bought a whole lot of source books already, so who knows, maybe soon.

          I would love to try different systems for oneshots I run, though, but then to start with I think they need to be very different from D&D 5e so I don’t get things mixed up. Any suggestions? 😊

          • Dee@beehaw.org
            1 year ago

            I think as long as you’re aware of those differences it should go a lot smoother for you. Just try to let go of the “well I’ve always done it this way” which I know is easier said than done. I like to bring up familiars as a good example between the two systems. Apologies if this comes across as over explaining or anything, just wanting to be clear and I really love this system lol

            In 5e, I’m sure you’re familiar, you cast the Find Familiar spell and pick from a list of stat blocks provided by RAW or by your DM. Boom, you’re done.

            In PF2 though, you create your own familiar from scratch, and you can do it every day. So it’s a little more involved but it feels truly unique to you and your imagination since there’s no limits on what it can look like. Here’s a link to the rule itself (another bonus to PF2 is they host all the rules online for free), but basically all you need to know is:

            Each day, you channel your magic into two abilities, which can be either familiar or master abilities. If your familiar is an animal that naturally has one of these abilities (for instance, an owl has a fly Speed), you must select that ability. Your familiar can’t be an animal that naturally has more familiar abilities than your daily maximum familiar abilities.

            So if we’re making an Owl familiar like they show in the rule description, you’d select Flier and one other ability you want your familiar to be able to do such as the Speech which would allow it to speak a language you know. Or, you could pick Manual Dexterity if you want it to be able to do more fine tuned motor skills. Some classes and feats you select will allow you to pick more than two abilities if you want to make your familiar more powerful. So you could as you level up have that Owl familiar with the Flier, Speech, Manual Dexterity, and then combine that with Lab Assistant for a perfect recreation of Merlin’s Archimedes 😄

            Or you could choose any other number of abilities to take your Owl familiar in a different direction, like Burrower for example. No reason you can’t make a tunneling Owl, because why not? It’s your familiar!

            Things like that, people say it’s more complicated and I guess you could say that it is because there’s more options. But I feel it’s still very intuitive, easy to pick up and gives players soooo much more empowerment over their characters.

            I would love to try different systems for oneshots I run, though, but then to start with I think they need to be very different from D&D 5e so I don’t get things mixed up. Any suggestions? 😊

            I have a looooot of systems I could recommend tbh lol

            To help narrow it down are you looking for something of a specific genre like scifi, fantasty, post apoc, etc?

            Actually, I’ll throw one right out of the gate that you might like based on the vibes I’m getting from your comments and you can start today if you wanted. It’s an indie solo journaling RPG called Apothecaria (Link here). You play as a witch in a village that makes potions for the villagers that come to you. You go through week by week to forage for ingredients, brew the cure they need, and sell it. Instead of dice it works based on a normal 52 card deck of cards and what happens is based on the card you draw. I only recently started trying solo RPG’s like this but it’s been a fun one.

            Let me know if you want more recommendations based on if you want something more fluffy or more crunchy or if there’s a specific genre you’re interested in. I love talking shop 😄

            • Foon@beehaw.orgOPM
              1 year ago

              Just try to let go of the “well I’ve always done it this way” which I know is easier said than done.

              Definitely easier said than done… I’m sure I’d really struggle with that.

              I think the Familiar example is a great explanation. It really does sound much cooler. In 5e, you don’t really get a whole lot of meaningful choices after level 3 or so.

              It’s an indie solo journaling RPG called Apothecaria

              Based on this description, you seem to have picked up my “vibes” pretty well :D It sounds super cute. I’m not sure about the solo aspect, though. I generally don’t enjoy solo gaming as much, and especially TTRPGs are something I do with friends.

              But generally, I like whimsical and cute settings. I’m much more of a fantasy person than scifi. Also not looking for dystopian worlds, right now that’s not something my group would handle well. Also a big fan of strange creatures (for example the Feywild is my favourite realm in D&D) and animals. Generally looking for more wholesomeness. More “Help the Forest Queen and her pack of magical forest creatures get rid of the creeping blight in the forest” rather than “A cabal of evil people has released a monster that’s set to devour all the poor people”.

              Edit: Also, a strong bonus would be tight rules. With little ambiguity. So players can have clear expectations of the consequences of their actions, rather than just “GMs discretion”.

              Does that help at all? I’m excited to learn about new systems.

  • gromnar@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hi! I play a lot of RPGs (with the exception of DND, for some reasons)… And I mainly enjoy thematic/narrative games (so, no “Germans” for me, even if the distinction is losing meaning day by day!)

      • gromnar@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        I think that the best one is Arkham Horror LCG by MJ Newman. It really blends together game mechanics and narrative feeling (ludonarrative harmony, as she describes here fo example: https://www.bewaretheblackcat.com/post/behind-the-curtain-enemies ). In short, you are not simply moving cards or pulling out tokens, but you are really living an adventure.

        Then there is War of the Ring, really conveys both for the Free People and the shadow player a super thematic experience, while being a tight and ruthless wargame.

        Those two are the peaks (for us). But I can name many other which we enjoy. Among the new ones, there is a very nice pirate game, forbidden waters. I also enjoy the games by Jerry Hawthorne (mice and mystics, comanauts, stuffed fables, …).

        And many, many others (dune conquest, for instance, or star wars: imperial assault, …)

  • Cass.Forest@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hiya! I myself have been playing D&D5E for about seven years now and Pathfinder 2E for about two. As for board games, my favorite are Betrayal at House on the Hill and Mountains or Madness.

    • The_Hunted_One@beehaw.orgM
      1 year ago

      Have you run through many adventure paths in PF2e? I’m just starting up a local game where I’ll be GMing Abomination vaults after already playing it as a player. Always on the lookout for tried and recommended APs though.

      • Cass.Forest@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        I’m currently running through Skull & Shackles from PF1E in PF2E, but I’ve also picked up the first book of Strength of Thousands and I got the Kingmaker books for my birthday.

        • Inspectigator@beehaw.org
          1 year ago

          did you get the conversion to 2e from that discord server? (I dont remember which)… I’ve always heard good things about that AP, and since I’m beginning to close in on the end of the one I’m running, I’m trying to keep my head up for what’s next.

      • Inspectigator@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        I’ve run Age of Ashes, which… needs some massaging, and if you’re interested, I would recommend a pretty heavy rewrite of book 1 to reframe the motivations of the PCs. Once that is done, I think the AP would be magnificent. But without it… it’s a little weird.

        Quest for the Frozen flame is awesome, and I’m dying to run it as more of a “one month interlude between games”.

  • tanglisha [she/her]@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I’ve been playing Starfinder and Shadowrun lately for RPGs,l. For board games, Terraforming Mars, 7 Wonders, and I’m absolutely terrible at Wingspan but it’s so pretty I don’t care

    One of my old Pathfinder groups is currently talking about converting to 2e. I got all the books with the Humble Bundle a few months ago and have been going through them a bit. One thing I like is that it’s a lot more different from Starfinder than 1e is, I have a hard time going back and forth on those two rulesets.

  • Rin@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    awesome to see this space!

    I love ttrpgs, although I largely modify Ironsworn: Starforged (which I saw mentioned in another comment!) so that my partner and I have something to play as a duo, with our various worlds we’ve created and character cast. I haven’t played with a group in years, although I’d like to, I just struggle on the people front of it, and math isn’t something I’m great at.

    I…collect a lot of them, too. I used to run a play-by-post AU of a video game world with a system I hacked together, for about 8 years. roughly two bookcases full of games, both ttrpgs and board games, then about 10gb of ttrpgs and related things.

    my favorite board game is Pandemic Legacy, I’ve grown very fond of Season Zero and I’m working through it with someone else when they have time. Settlers of Catan is another favorite, but I feel like a lot of people like that one. I don’t get to play board games often though.

    would card games also be welcome here?

    • TheCalzoneMan@beehaw.orgM
      1 year ago

      If you have any other duo hacks, I’d be personally interested! I’m currently trying Wushu with a friend, but I’m always open to learning new systems.

      As far as card games, I don’t see why not. We haven’t had a chance to sit down as a mod team yet though, so I can’t speak for anyone else. It’s frustrating that there’s no tag system at the moment so people can filter out what they want and don’t want to see.

  • Storksforlegs@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hello!! Nice to meet and read everyone’s lists.

    Here are some of my favourites (mostly kinda older games haha)

    -Terra Mystica -Glass Road -Agricola -Food Chain Magnate -Carcassone -Keyflower

  • sludge@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    hi! i haven’t been playing tabletop games very long, but its really fun! i play pathfinder 1st and 2nd edition, i really like creating and running dungeon crawls ^_^

  • Domiku@beehaw.orgM
    1 year ago

    Another new moderator reporting in! (he/him)

    I’m big into engine-building games. Some of my favorites are 7 Wonders, Space Base, and Jaipur.

    I’m currently in the process of building new bookshelves because our game collection has outgrown the current storage 😅

  • Ethereal87@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Aeon’s End is one of our top games as well! My wife and I have beaten every nemesis except for maybe 3 of the newer expansion ones. It’s such an amazing system but I think we’re going to have to call it quits soon since we’re running out of space to store it all! I think I finally have it all stored in both Legacy boxes and the “Past and Future” box.

    Unfair is our other favorite and probably the first “scary game” (her words) that she got really into. We play it a bit nicer than intended. I actually proposed to my wife with this game (and the help of the designer) with a custom card!

    Everdell is probably number three. We got it as a Christmas gift one year, played it probably eight times in a five days, and ordered whatever expansions we could get our hands on.

    • Foon@beehaw.orgOPM
      1 year ago

      Ah yes, we have the exact same problem with Aeon’s End storage. I think we have all the content minus one set of promo cards, and indeed it takes 3 boxes to store everything! I think AE might be our most played game, we have played it probably >200 times 😅 Have you also tried doing the bosses on increased difficulty levels? I like how it really changes the strategies you have to use for some of them.

      • Ethereal87@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        We have not just yet. We got “caught up” on beating every Nemesis just before our child was born a few years ago, but that’s definitely on our radar when we have some more free time to just leave it set up (and not worry about a kid eating charge counters!)

        What has been your favorite expansion/series of content? I really liked this latest with Past and Future just giving us brand new characters far enough before and after the main story, and a few of the new mage powers are really cool. I think prior to that, we really enjoyed The New Age wave.

  • ulkesh@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hello everyone!

    I’d be happy to help moderate should the need arise to add a person! Please holler if so :)

    I’m a collector of tabletop board games. I have over 350 in my collection ranging from simple games like Sushi Go to heavy games like Twilight Imperium and Star Trek Ascendancy.

    If I was stranded on an island with a fun gaming group, an endless supply of food, snacks, water, and other drinks, and had to pick a top 5 games to have with me:

    1. Firefly the Game (all expansions)
    2. Scythe (all expansions)
    3. Zombicide Black Plague
    4. Terraforming Mars
    5. Gloomhaven/Frosthaven
  • TheCalzoneMan@beehaw.orgM
    1 year ago

    Hi, I’m Calzone, another new mod! 👋

    I’ve been playing tabletop RPGs since I was very young, when my dad got me and my sister into D&D 3.5e. I love trying out new systems, though I tend to be pretty shy when it comes to the online space. I’m also a big fan of tactical skirmish wargames, like Kill Team or Frostgrave.

    Some of my favorite TTRPGs include Deadlands, Cyberpunk RED, and The Orpheus Protocol. I have been trying to get my friends to play Dread with me, but that requires both people who love horror and a Jenga tower, neither of which I have 😔. I’m looking forward to seeing what this community brings to the table(top)!

    Edit: forgot to include a little game I just recently found called Never Going Home, super atmospheric and spooky!

  • Thembo McBembo@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Welcome Foon!

    Have you heard of the critically-acclaimed TTRPG Pathfinder 1.0? It’s my favorite out of the “standard D&D-like” tabletops, and I especially like the system for skill points.

    I’m looking forward to trying Betrayal in the House on the Hill: Legacy soon though! (The house permanently changes from game to game)

  • David@beehaw.org
    1 year ago


    I’m a game designer and mostly play gateway games with the kiddos though also love Scythe, Terraforming Mars (lately Ares Expedition) and several others when my son-in-law is in town.

    Happy to have a place to talk design here 😊

    • Foon@beehaw.orgOPM
      1 year ago

      Ah it’s wonderful you get to game with your kids! (that’s why gamers have children, right? To play games with them? kidding, obviously)

      What sort of games do you design?

      • David@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        My published games are Nightfall (and its expansions), World-Z League and an upcoming deckbuilder via Universal Studios that’s manufacturing now.

        Unpublished I have an abstract on time travel and a real-time card game about competing food trucks that I co-designed with my son-in-law.

        (we have 8 kids so certainly some should take after me right? lol)

        • Foon@beehaw.orgOPM
          1 year ago

          Hot dang 8 kids?! You can even play big group games with just your immediate family!

          I don’t think I’ve played any of your games, but I took a quick look and they seem pretty cool. What’s your favourite part about designing games?

          • David@beehaw.org
            1 year ago

            LOL yep, player count is definitely a consideration :D

            My favorite part is working out the mechanics of a game trying to create something new and fun. I almost always start with a mechanical idea that I think on for a long while as I piece together supporting mechanics toward a playable game and part way through that process a theme will generally emerge that aids in finalizing the mechanics.

  • HowlsSophie@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Hi!!! I haven’t been playing games very long (not even a year) but there’s SO many I want to play. So far, I’ve enjoyed Tokaido, Century Spice Road, and Cryptid Cafe. Have 7 Wonders but haven’t played yet. Looking to get more into solo gaming as I don’t have many people to play with :/

    • Foon@beehaw.orgOPM
      1 year ago

      Ooh I like Tokaido a lot! It has such a serene feeling to it. I have it’s successor, Namiji, which is also a great game.

      My favourite solo game is Spirit Island, it’s a pretty complex cooperative game with lots of variability. You play as nature spirits (for example the Ocean, Earth, River, Lightning) trying to defend their island from the invading settlers. All the spirits are really different with their own unique powers. The rules aren’t that complicated, but the decision space is huge. It plays really well at all player counts, and it’s one of the few games where I think true solo (i.e. 1 spirit only, instead of playing the role of multiple players yourself) is a cool experience.

      • HowlsSophie@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        Ooo Tokaido has a sequel??? I can probably get my son to play that. I’ve gotten several recs for spirit island, added to my wishlist!

        • Foon@beehaw.orgOPM
          1 year ago

          It’s not so much a sequel I guess, as a reimplementation of many of the mechanics. This one is themed around taking your boat around the sea, collecting fish and panoramas, and releasing your wish boats into the ocean. It’s a lovely game!