I’m 100 percent invested in the Finals still. Trying to get the wife back into Hogwarts Legacy though. And playing Sea of Stars a little on the side.

How about you all?

  • PBPunchM
    45 months ago

    I’m fully invested in Granblue Fantasy Relink this week. I might get into Persona 3 Reloaded this week but that is a massive investment. Got to complete everything before Helldivers 2 drops next week. My son and I are excited to drop in a give it to them bugs.

    • @slimerancher@lemmy.worldM
      25 months ago

      How are you liking Granblue Fantasy Relink?

      I was thinking about getting Helldivers 2 on launch, but since don’t have a Dual Sense right now, going wait a while.

      • PBPunchM
        25 months ago

        I’m loving GF Relink. It’s main story is short from what I’ve heard but the only complaint I have is that it feels like I need to go back and watch the anime to get a better connection with the crew. Still a fun and light story without the deeper connection to their beginnings. The combat is the main draw though and the post game content is where it is at. I hope they drop more complex enemies in the future. Some are easy but I have lost to quite a few and it’s nice to feel like its my fault and not a mechanic of the game.

        Everyone should get Helldivers 2. The first Helldivers was a personal favorite. I loved the gameplay, the environment and the obvious nod to Starship Troopers. I’ve read nothing but positive reviews on the new combat in 2 and I’m dropping everything this weekend to play it.

        • @slimerancher@lemmy.worldM
          25 months ago

          With the amount of times I get to play these days, I am happy with shorter games, so that would be a plus for me. As for the anime, I read about it somewhere, but didn’t pay much attention to it, will look it up.

          Yeah, I liked the original Helldivers, but only played it solo. Was hoping to co-op this one, let’s see when I get around to it.

          • PBPunchM
            25 months ago

            I have it pre-ordered and my son and I are planning to run through it on Friday. I will let you know if it is as good as I hope.

  • InfiniteGlitch
    35 months ago

    Not sure why you got downvoted.

    Anyway I’m playing a mix of everything:

    • Mario 3D World
    • Captain Toad Tracker
    • Alan Wake 2
    • Catherine Full Body

    While also trying to read:

    • Bad Blood (Theranos)
    • Eleanor is completely fine

    While also trying to watch:

    • Lupin season 1
    • MHA season 5
            • @money_loo@lemmy.world
              15 months ago

              And now I went to do Dawnguard and they won’t let me in the castle gate to play the thing I bought because I made the classic Bethesda “mistake” of finding the location before starting the quest…great job Bethesda!

  • @slimerancher@lemmy.worldM
    25 months ago

    Paper Mario!

    I was planning to start Until Dawn as my secondary game, but my little one accidently spilled some liquid on my Dual Sense, so no PS gaming for a while now.

  • @OmegaMouse
    25 months ago

    I’ve just finished Cyberpunk on PS4 (pretty rough experience, but the story and character animation was great)

    I started Spiderman earlier, which has been fun so far! A few years late to the party.