I was mistaken, the comment I was referring to was in a different comment thread
Basically, promote progressives in the lower elections, get the foundation needed for a progressive presidential candidate to succeed.
I’m glad that you have the mindset to vote blue in the end. My issue here is that a lot of Lemmy progressives have at least indicated that they will boycott the party come November. Which is a big fucking problem.
And messaging like this only serves to siphon off votes, despite the technical distinction between primary and general elections.
I agree there’s a problem, and I agree about supporting progressive candidates when available.
I think this is being taken as the only option mostly because a lot of strong progressive voices sat out this primary.
Fair enough, to your point about people on Lemmy planning to make mistakes in November. I suspect those people aren’t the same ones voting uncommitted in the primary, though.
I mostly see those as motivated progressives trying to raise an alarm so Dems can course correct here. If Dems listened, they might give us more ammo to persuade those Lemmy users who aren’t on board.
I was mistaken, the comment I was referring to was in a different comment thread
Basically, promote progressives in the lower elections, get the foundation needed for a progressive presidential candidate to succeed.
I’m glad that you have the mindset to vote blue in the end. My issue here is that a lot of Lemmy progressives have at least indicated that they will boycott the party come November. Which is a big fucking problem.
And messaging like this only serves to siphon off votes, despite the technical distinction between primary and general elections.
I agree there’s a problem, and I agree about supporting progressive candidates when available.
I think this is being taken as the only option mostly because a lot of strong progressive voices sat out this primary.
Fair enough, to your point about people on Lemmy planning to make mistakes in November. I suspect those people aren’t the same ones voting uncommitted in the primary, though.
I mostly see those as motivated progressives trying to raise an alarm so Dems can course correct here. If Dems listened, they might give us more ammo to persuade those Lemmy users who aren’t on board.
I for one already voted uncommitted, and unless the genocidal ethnostate gets cut loose I’m not voting for Biden in November
I hear you. Hope the administration hears you too, for all our sakes.