• @knightly
      3 months ago

      Whoever told you that wasn’t paying attention.

      The final result was within the margin of error of those polls.

  • Weirdmusic
    123 months ago

    Remember how all the polls pointed to an overwhelming Red wave in the mid terms? Yeah, anyhow…

  • @GrymEdm@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I loathe Biden’s enabling of the slaughter and starvation in Gaza. I hate this current state of political theatrics where he talks compassion, airdrops inadequate amounts of food and builds ports for 2 months, and the whole time sends Israel billions of dollars and weapons every 36 hours and puts no pressure on them to stop blocking aid on existing routes. However, I was turned off this current will-we-won’t-we vote game by Bernie Sander’s video “Democracy is at Stake”. If you’re undecided about what to do, I’d recommend taking the few minutes to watch it.

    It is absolutely vital that Trump not win. The one principle that determines my morality is “make the decision that brings the least amount of suffering into the world”. The harm to the whole world if Trump gets in is even worse than the horrors of starvation and violence affecting 2.2 million Palestinians, especially given that Trump will make no move to stop that. You know how the left makes fun of ultra-Conservatives that promote stupid choices just to “own the libs”? Letting Trump win the Presidency to protest Biden is the national version of that for Democrats and undecided - a bad decision that doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

  • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    43 months ago

    Everyone should be VERY worried about the polls in swing states.

    I’ve been following them for MONTHS now and watched them go from pretty much 50/50 Biden/Trump to just barely flipping for Trump, to now being SOLIDLY Trump.

    Biden HAS to win PA, MI and WI and he’s currently down multiple points in all three.

    He BARELY carried them in 2020 on the strength of the mail in ballots and that’s going to barely be a thing in 2024.

    Turnout WILL be down from 2020 without the mail in ballot push and that absolutely puts Biden at risk.