• @MrJameGumb@lemmy.world
    682 months ago

    Anyone who bases their entire identity around their political beliefs is pretty much always a disappointment no matter who they voted for

    • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
      171 month ago

      Joke’s on you! I’m an anarchist and am always disappointed with electoralism, even if I didn’t vote at all.

  • @madcaesar@lemmy.world
    581 month ago

    Liberals will disappoint you.

    Conservatives will arrest, surpress and kill you.

    Clearly both are equally bad!!

    • @Woozythebear@lemmy.world
      231 month ago

      So those college students peacefully protesting aren’t being arrested and suppressed while a Democrat is the president in states ran by democrats?

      Found the Biden dick riding neo lib

      • @TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
        241 month ago

        They used to be, but the current Republican party explicitly rejects liberalism. They don’t follow any liberal ideas, even on capitalism and free markets. They’re willing to bend any principle for power. They’re fascists.

        • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
          121 month ago

          Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, [consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law.

          Wikipedia agrees with me

          • @SoleInvictus@lemmy.blahaj.zone
            1 month ago

            It’s a United States thing. They use the term liberal to refer to social liberalism whereas you’re referring to neoliberalism.

            Edit: On second glance, your Wikipedia link is to straight liberalism, which includes things the Republican party doesn’t support, like secularism. So who knows.

            • @Prunebutt@slrpnk.net
              61 month ago

              which includes things the Republican party doesn’t support, like secularism.

              Yeah, saw that, too. They are still liberals (as in: support neoliberal policies), but with christo-fascist tendencies. The article states that these points are contended right dow, though.

      • @antidote101@lemmy.world
        11 month ago

        Relative to much of the world yes.

        In terms of economics and neoliberalism mostly.

        You’re more right than wrong.

        In terms of social liberalism, the differences between the two parties are more noticeable.

        This is because structural politics is defined by undemocratic means, interests, and forces.

        So we vote on more superficial aspects, such as the culture war and social rights.

        Which can be important, but most of the time aren’t the real meat of the world’s problems.

    • @GraniteM@lemmy.world
      121 month ago

      Of course politics will always disappoint you. Politics is the means by which large groups of people aggregate their desires sufficiently to achieve collective goals. It’s a massive process of millions of compromises. The goal is explicitly not to make everyone happy. The goal is to have enough people of good will and with enough information avaliable involved that the series of compromises move enough of us in the right direction.

  • BarqsHasBite
    382 months ago

    The Democrats can’t do as much as you want them to when there’s a very real chance of losing the election to the Republicans. If you want change, then vote. If you want policy 475, you need to vote for policy 1 first.

    • @stembolts@programming.dev
      2 months ago

      The American system of government is the blame game. For example, few people seem to remember that during Obama’s 8 years in office he had the government for 10 months.

      During the 86 other months Republicans exploited that by simultaneously stonewalling everything while going to the media and questioning why the democrats aren’t doing more for the American people. It is a masterfully effective underhanded tactic.

      I also agree that everyone should vote. When more people vote, regardless of political affiliation, democrats win bigger. I don’t know why that is true, but it is. So yes, everyone vote!

    • @venusaur@lemmy.world
      152 months ago

      It’s the other way around. They not gonna do what u want them to because they know you’ll have to vote for them because of their fear politics. Let them know they’re not getting your vote. They’re gonna lose their jobs. Then they’ll try harder.

      • BarqsHasBite
        2 months ago

        Dude no. They need to win elections which means they can’t lose to Republicans. That’s it. When they know they can’t lose, they will move on to better policies. They aren’t going to magically move left when there’s a very real chance of losing the election. Sorry to say, you’re twisting yourself into knots trying to justify not voting.

        • OBJECTION!
          142 months ago

          Why on earth would they move left if there’s no risk of losing? They want to enact right wing policies because that’s what their donors pay them to do.

          • BarqsHasBite
            102 months ago

            Your question is complete backwards. They can’t move left because there is a real chance of losing. You win elections from the center. If you have a risk of losing that means you stay firmly in the center.

            • OBJECTION!
              152 months ago

              You win elections from the center.

              That’s absolute nonsense. The number of people who are politically engaged swing voters is very marginal. Meanwhile, a full third of the country doesn’t vote. You win elections through turnout, and you get turnout by supporting popular policies that actually benefit people.

              Alternatively, you can win elections through money, if you can convince the rich that you’ll govern in their interests, against the interests of the poor.

              The democrats, broadly speaking, prefer to win through the latter method because they get more money that way, but that doesn’t make it the most effective method. They just have a loud enough signal to convince people it’s the only method.

              • BarqsHasBite
                2 months ago

                You literally win from the middle. One switched vote is worth double from the fringes, because you take away from the other party and get one yourself.

                And if you run against incumbents, you have to be even more in the middle - think Clinton and Biden. Biden had to run center, although he’s acting further left than what he ran on.

                Sorry but you’re just trying to justify not voting, by pretending that not voting will magically make the party move left. It won’t. It’s fantasy. Not voting means they will meet in the middle even harder.

                You want change? Make the Dems win resoundingly and successively.

                • OBJECTION!
                  2 months ago

                  Why on earth would you bring up Clinton to support your argument? She did exactly what you described and somehow managed to lose what should’ve been an extremely easy election. Biden managed to win by a very narrow margin in another extremely easy matchup. Not included in your data set are any candidates who ran more to the left, such as Obama (though he governed far to the right of how he ran).

                  There’s so many more disengaged voters than swing voters that it doesn’t matter if swing voters are worth more. Besides, swing voters don’t just vote according to a rational policy calculus of centrism. A lot of it is vibes or superficial nonsense.

                  The dems are not going to magically move left, against their donors interests and the interests they’ve repeatedly demonstrated they hold, just because they win. Especially if that win comes through unconditional support from the left. They are not your friends, and they don’t share your interests. They’re careerists pursuing their own advancement.

        • @WraithGear@lemmy.world
          122 months ago

          You are assuming that leftward momentum is what the democrats want. I am sure a couple do, but the establishment democrats showed their hands when the super delegates prevented actual progress, and shut down referendums that won to establish ranked voting on state’s levels. Without motivation to change they will not because they got theirs.

          And no i don’t want fucking trump being president, using his presidency to quash his lawsuits, damn Ukraine, damn Palestine, sell off what little progress our civilization made to fighting climate change, remove further rights from the vulnerable groups, establishing Christianity as the national religion, kill off all our agent for money, establish the president breaking the law as a with qualified immunity, rewriting the history books, burn and silence dissenting thought, further pollute the judicial system with cronies, and pardon neo nazi criminals.

          It just sucks knowing that no matter what i do the US is directly responsible for yet another genocide, and in 4 years it will be de santis or who knows trump running yet again, and it will again be “now is not the time to rock the boat, vote blue no matter who, or else “”democracy”” will end…again” now and forever more as justification to block actual change and then force conservative democrats to win the primaries.

          • BarqsHasBite
            2 months ago

            It’s the Overton window. If the right ideas keep losing, then the left ideas have more say. If the right wing ideas don’t win you elections, they slowly fade away. If left wing ideas win you elections, the the whole Overton window goes to which left wing ideas will win.

            Like dude you just listed off the entire Overton window that they’re appealing to because it won them an election and might win them another election. Like you just did it! Why do those talking points even exist? Because it won and could win again. Shut those out by voting. Tell them resoundingly that there’s no chance of winning on those ideas, and then the Overton window can move left.

              • BarqsHasBite
                1 month ago

                Dude you didn’t address anything I said, just a glib catchphrase that’s frankly wrong. But in good faith I’ll discuss:Depends on the circumstances. Clinton and Biden running against incumbents had to be even more center, although Biden is acting more left than what he ran. But you want to suggest Obama with Obamacare was right? Yeah no. And Biden is left than what he ran: IRA, chips act, marijuana, etc. Sorry your little catchphrase is inaccurate.

                And if you want even more inaccuracy, get dem president and Congress majority for 20 years straight and watch it move. Because, as I said, you can’t do what you want when there’s a real chance of losing. Then more left ideas in the party get more attention and traction. Which is, you guessed it, the Overton window.

        • @Sop@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          81 month ago

          It’s naive to think that voters have more influence on policies than donors/lobbyists. If democrats win every election then capitalists will just donate more to make sure their needs are met. All politicians are corrupted by huge sums of money.

          • BarqsHasBite
            51 month ago

            While there’s some legitimacy in money winning elections, you know what it comes down to? Fucking votes.

            • @Sop@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              31 month ago

              I feel like you didn’t read my comment at all. Because your point is completely irrelevant to what I said.

              • BarqsHasBite
                1 month ago

                I addressed it. I’ll try again. The ultimate deciding factor in elections is votes. Literally votes. Election night isn’t spent tallying who raised the most money, it’s literally counting who got the most votes.

                • @Sop@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                  11 month ago

                  Again not relevant at all to what I said. My comment wasn’t about election results but about policies. It doesn’t matter who wins an election because capitalists will always make sure to donate to the winner in order to decide their policies.

      • @TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
        52 months ago

        They aren’t using enough fear politics. The entire planet should be afraid of a fascist United States. Trump will tank the global economy. Trump will be more hostile to other nations than even liberal imperialists. There is no upside.

        It’s even better for accelerationists if the systemfails under liberals. If it fails under a fascist, liberals can just claim it only failed because fascists gained control.

        • @venusaur@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Biden and democrats are taking advantage of this situation to do whatever they want because people are afraid not to vote for them. A lot of people are waking up tho and democrats need to either do what the people want or risk losing the vote. Not to Trump, just no vote. There will always be a Trump. It might take 4 years of Trump for the world to see how our voting system needs to be reformed and the two party system torn apart. Democrats are not for the people. They’re for the dollar bill.

          • @TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
            52 months ago

            No fucking shit genius. Ofc they’re taking advantage of the situation. That’s what the more left wing party does. However, not voting is forfeiting your choice. Unless you have a large, organized coalition who otherwise would vote, boycotts aren’t very effective. This is especially true when the worse choice is about as bad as choices can get. Unfortunately, there’s no use explaining project 2025 when your opinion isn’t based on facts.

            You think I disagree with you out of ignorance, but it’s your wistful thinking creating fake options. You’re just coping with the depressing reality. You believe not voting for Biden is an option because you really want there to be another way. You need to recognize your actual situation before you can find a way out of it. Acknowledgement is not the same as saying things are good and should continue.

            IS =/= OUGHT!

            • @venusaur@lemmy.world
              1 month ago

              Not participating is absolutely a choice. You’re brainwashed and afraid.

              I don’t you disagree with you about my feelings about the Democratic Party. I disagree with your playing into fear politics instead of opting out. The cycle has to end at some point even if it takes a huge wake up call.

              • @Feathercrown@lemmy.world
                41 month ago

                In what way will voting for a fascist end the cycle? By making us not be able to vote anymore? Yeah, real good option you’re pushing for there.

                • @venusaur@lemmy.world
                  1 month ago

                  I never said I was voting for anybody. And you’ve clearly bought into the scare tactics. You honestly think the president has the power to stop voting? Relax. Take 4 more years of Trump and get it over with. Dems are losers. They need to wake up and give the people what they want instead of relying on scare tactics.

      • @Takios@discuss.tchncs.de
        31 month ago

        It’s the other way around in my country. The more votes the middle and left parties lost, the further they moved to the right in an attempt to claw back votes. But then there was a huge protest campaign against the right and the right started losing votes in our regular surveys (though still much too strong).
        So I urge you to vote for your option that is not regularly talking about using fascist methods and undoing gained freedoms “on day one”.

        • @venusaur@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          i see what you’re saying. if only people on the right are voting, then they’ll shift focus to the right, but that should pave the way for a candidate on the left that people actually want. the problem is there is no true democracy and no potential for third party candidates to actually win. I will not vote unless there is a candidate I actually want to lead the country, and/or they implement RCV or a similar voting system for presidential elections. i’ll still vote for house and senate.

          • @Takios@discuss.tchncs.de
            21 month ago

            I can understand and respect your stance. Personally, I wouldn’t take the chance of having to live under a Trump presidency though.

            • @venusaur@lemmy.world
              11 month ago

              When does it stop tho? He can keep running as long as he wants and dems can keep taking advantage of that to do whatever they want because they know they’ll get the vote because of fear politics.

          • BarqsHasBite
            11 month ago

            but that should pave the way for a candidate on the left that people actually want

            Candidates don’t emerge for voters that don’t vote. Because in the analysis they don’t even exist, because they don’t vote. It’s a null data set. No politician is going to gamble on it possibly maybe existing but don’t vote. No donors are going to donate to causes which the voters maybe possibly exist but don’t vote. It simply doesn’t happen.

              • BarqsHasBite
                1 month ago

                New to Lemmy? There are hordes of users (no exaggeration) that say they won’t vote because the Dems aren’t left enough and bothsidessame.

                • @venusaur@lemmy.world
                  11 month ago

                  I’ll take your word for it. I’m only talking about people in my situation. We’ve voted in the past and aren’t voting now. Presidents have won by focusing on getting out the vote for populations that have had low voter turnout.

    • @Woozythebear@lemmy.world
      101 month ago

      We voted for Biden and gave him the house and senate and he still couldn’t pass a pathetic $15 minimum wage… stop making excuses for them like someone voting harder will make them any less incompetent liars.

      • BarqsHasBite
        1 month ago

        But but but but but but but but but but Biden bad!!1!1

        Looks like he did $15 minimum for federal workers, ran out of time, and is asking Congress to do it for everyone (you know, because he currently doesn’t have the house, you know because of votes). Lol looks like you should take your own advice and stop making excuses for yourself.

    • @TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
      201 month ago

      Everything done by the United States government before Trump was done under the liberal ideology. They’ve justified slavery and social security, the United Nations and support for military dictatorships, ethnic cleansing and the right to vote, all from valid use of that contradictory ideology. It’s filled with amazing ideas and terrible ideas that are all at war with one another.

      The major problem with it for lemmy users is how much liberals support capitalism and imperialism. Both of these things are the source of most of our biggest problems, and liberals consistently fail to restrain themselves.

    • Peachy [they/them] M
      11 month ago

      US Democracy is a type of liberalism, which was created as a reaction to mercantilism and monarchies. Basically means “individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.” which… US Democracy doesn’t lmao.

      Different word from liberal and conservative. Kind of like “mankind” doesn’t just refer to men.

      • Gormadt
        82 months ago

        Hope is key to acting

        Using hope as a driving factor for acting to bring the change you want to see

        For example: I hope to see better pedestrian focused infrastructure in my community therefore I act in a way to make that happen. I call my reps, I talk with people I meet about it, etc.

    • Hope makes you more likely to succeed, even if it guarantees nothing. All predictions of the future are extremely fallible, even hopeless ones. It’s no more an illusion than being a doomer who guarantees their own failure.