Yes, my brain is at home. Somewhere. Maybe in the attic. Or the basement. Probably somewhere in this pile of paper, but I’m not sure. I really hope I didn’t throw it in the trash last week. I cleaned up a bit and might have done that by accident. But I also found a charger for an old camera, and the camera still had an SD card in it! Lots of low-res photos from a vacation many years ago. Young me always took a photo of the toilet for some reason. When I learnt that my camera could record short audio clips linked to individual photos, I recorded a full flush of every toilet, too. Good times, back then. What were we talking about again?
Yes, my brain is at home. Somewhere. Maybe in the attic. Or the basement. Probably somewhere in this pile of paper, but I’m not sure. I really hope I didn’t throw it in the trash last week. I cleaned up a bit and might have done that by accident. But I also found a charger for an old camera, and the camera still had an SD card in it! Lots of low-res photos from a vacation many years ago. Young me always took a photo of the toilet for some reason. When I learnt that my camera could record short audio clips linked to individual photos, I recorded a full flush of every toilet, too. Good times, back then. What were we talking about again?
Don’t worry, you will find it immediately after you get a new one.
That thing gave me nothing but trouble. I don’t miss it ¯\_(UwU)_/¯