• Count Regal InkwellOP
    5 days ago

    I’ve watched every series of nuWho and have been slowly working my way through the Classic series now.

    … Imma be honest?

    Every new Doctor is “the worst Doctor” and every new Companion is “the worst Companion”.

    Until they grow on you. Then you like them. Then it changes again and you hate it again.

    In reality I feel like DW as a whole has always been all over the place, with amazing stories and deeply uninteresting stories all the time and no real way to predict what would come next.

    Case in point I just reached Jo Grant (3rd Doctor’s First Companion)'s departure from the series and been introduced to Sarah Jane Smith.

    I know for a fact that Sarah Jane Smith is universally beloved. (because I know the show’s legacy and all that, even if I’m going into the actual classic series blind) She was also the longest lasting companion in the entire series history. But right now, with the change having just happened, I can’t not be a bit “:\” about her. I liked Jo!