Basically what game could you replay and never get bored of? For example I replay Legend of Zelda Link to the Past annually, because it’s my favorite game of all time. I give myself different goals but I play it every year.

  • Stardust Whip
    31 year ago

    EarthBound, Sonic 2, Pokémon HGSS, and the Portal duology are games I regularly replay which are fun every time.

    Sonic 2 and Pokémon especially are games that I think have a lot of replay value. For Sonic I can try to speed through the levels and get a good time, and with Pokémon I can use a different team for every playthrough.

    • Zen
      31 year ago

      Aaaa earthbound is a classic. And honestly I could return to HGSS and other DS Pokémon games easily. They’re so good!