Congrats on the move. I did the same to Linux Mint and have loved the experience completely. Gaming has been amazing due to Proton and Vulcan.
Just a grey muzzle
Congrats on the move. I did the same to Linux Mint and have loved the experience completely. Gaming has been amazing due to Proton and Vulcan.
This is exactly what I did when Fallout 4 came out. Went to Boston, walked the red line path and then looked for the swan.
High Tail Hall
Your looking at 2003
Yeah that’s what I meant by clever naming. I guess I was reading too deep. I thought it was referencing more.
I failed a brain check, I’ve been googling those names for 30 minutes. I don’t get the reference. What’s the joke here? I would have just taken it as cleaver naming for the region.
Just watch the reports it’s happening across the USA in different states. This is why I’m a huge supporter of make sure to take care of your health because your employer can replace you.
Able to talk to animals and grow ears and tail on command. My only question would be if I grow the same ears and tails or different one on command?
First OSish was what came default with the Commodore 64. My first full fledged OS was Windows 3.11. My first Linux distro was Mandrake I think 6.
Thank you for this. I had no idea this occurred.
Everyone is so afraid of others judging you, but you know it’s important to complement your homies. You might just be that bit of sunshine they needed to make an awful day a better one
Exactly what I was thinking. Omega Mart immediately came to mind.
Reminds me of Catnap from Poppy Playtime.
Let this be the hour when we draw swords together. Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the red dawn. Forth, Eorlingas!
RIP good king
Started playing Fallout 76 for the first time this week. Been having fun so far. I’m glad I waited for the game to get this far in content.
I was thinking about that today. Would even accept a Mr. Fuzzy power armor. Putting the clean head on a excavator suit.
Unfortunately Michael Caine said it best, “Some men just want to watch the world burn.” I hope social media helps these rangers find those people.
This is Buffpup
Not the exact same thing but looks like Walmart sells a similar one.