Basically what game could you replay and never get bored of? For example I replay Legend of Zelda Link to the Past annually, because it’s my favorite game of all time. I give myself different goals but I play it every year.

  • @ngoomie
    51 year ago

    Do games that don’t have a set start and end count? Because I find myself going back to Team Fortress 2 for a month or two at least once a year. Been playing it since I was 11 and it still feels fresh, though I miss the older community that Valve decimated with the Meet Your Match update.

    I also have a feeling Hypnospace Outlaw is going to become one of those games for me.

    • @KoboldCoterie
      41 year ago

      Hypnospace Outlaw is great, and you can spend a ton of time with it, especially if you’re trying to 100% it. There just hasn’t been any other game that captures that 90s internet vibe quite so completely.

      • Zen
        21 year ago

        Glad to see folks enjoying HSO! It’s soooo much fun.

  • Dae
    51 year ago

    Probably Terraria for me. Constant updates help, but the game always just feels timeless.

    • milo_bytes
      31 year ago

      Terraria for sure I can never rid myself of that game, that and Stardew Valley. I heard they’re coming out with a Terraria 2 but I don’t know much about it, and can’t even imagine what it’d look like

  • @Gaffe
    41 year ago

    Every 2-3 years I’ll set up a SNES emulator and replay Earthbound and Chrono Trigger over the course of a couple weeks <3

  • Elliot
    31 year ago

    Wizard101! I’ve been playing on and off for as long as I’ve been a gamer. It’s so nostalgic and still has all the charm and childhood magic that it used to. Me and my twin brother used to play all the time, and we still have random simultaneous urges to play again. We don’t have many psychic twin abilities, but this is one of them!

  • @feral_hedgehog
    1 year ago

    I like spending a few days every year playing through all Half-Life and Portal games - they just kinda feel right in a way no other series does (probably that sweet, sweet Source movement 😅)
    Not too long ago I’d also say Team Fortress 2, but it looks like having a job has finally broken that addiction…

  • Stardust Whip
    31 year ago

    EarthBound, Sonic 2, Pokémon HGSS, and the Portal duology are games I regularly replay which are fun every time.

    Sonic 2 and Pokémon especially are games that I think have a lot of replay value. For Sonic I can try to speed through the levels and get a good time, and with Pokémon I can use a different team for every playthrough.

    • Zen
      31 year ago

      Aaaa earthbound is a classic. And honestly I could return to HGSS and other DS Pokémon games easily. They’re so good!

  • Hanalei
    31 year ago

    Jade Empire is my #1 favorite video game. There are games that better than it, more addicting than it, all that. But Jade Empire had a huge impression on me in high school, and I revisit it all the time. And now I’m in charge of the community on Discord, hah.

    I also wish the Black Desert servers never go offline. I have a pie-in-the-sky vision of the future where the devs elect to open-source the client and server code.

  • @Kajo
    31 year ago

    I’m not a replaying kinda person but the closest I can get to this, where I replay half of it every now and then, has gotta be Homeworld / Homeworld 2 Those games are baller

  • @Laurentide
    31 year ago

    Stellaris. I like to dream up new civilizations and then just vibe to my empire slowly growing and exploring while the hours pass me by. If I do start to get bored, there are other playstyles to try out and mods that add a bunch of content.

    Another would be modded Minecraft. Starting out with nothing and working my way to post-scarcity is a lot of fun, while mining and exploring are great ways to chill out if I’m too stressed to work on anything requiring brainpower but still want to feel like I’m accomplishing something.

  • Lilia Roo
    31 year ago

    Morrowind strikes the dopamine engine on all cylinders no matter how often it is played

  • @TheColorRed
    21 year ago

    Battle Brothers. The brutal difficulty and the sheer amount of random events (combined with procedural world generation) makes every playthrough unique. (also as a side note why is that picture of link on e621 it’s sfw art of a non-furry character)

  • @liam
    21 year ago

    I find Super Metroid to be very replayable

  • Zen
    21 year ago

    Team fortress 2 immediately comes to mind. As long as plenty of furs still keep that community alive! Other contenders might be the fallout series or Minecraft, for their shear content and possibilities. And of course, some classics I love to return too, Portal, Half-Life, Link to the past, Super Mario World, or insaneiquarium just to name a few. And many others I probably haven’t thought of xD

    111 months ago

    The series I replay the most would definitely have to be The Legend Of Spyro trilogy. Real mixed reception when it came out, but ticks so many boxes for me. A real story (I think it’s really cool the first 2 games ended with everything definitely not being okay) feral dragons, cool combat, and you can actually FLY (in the third one)