So since I joined this Lemmy journey, I’ve started looking at other options and found Pixelfed. Does anyone here use it? How is the service? And can you link with Lemmy?

I saw it also uses the activitypub protocol, so I’m just trying to see how far this protocol reaches.

    • @NullOP
      511 months ago

      I’ve never used Instagram, I just noticed it is a photo stream social network. I’m all about photos I can use as phone wallpapers.

  • Xoa Gray
    211 months ago

    I’ve just started using it recently and so far I like what I see. It’s pretty straight forward, you post a photo and make a little blurb about it if you want. interface is good, and there are Android and iOS (in Test Flight right now) clients. As far as I’ve seen, the iOS client works just fine even though it’s in Test Flight.
    Worth a try if you want something like Instagram without it being associated with Facebook.

    211 months ago

    It was one of my socials when i used to post art. It’s been a while, and my insights are extremely limited because i never used to get any engagement on any social media, let alone Pixelfed, so i’m missing litterally most of the experience.


    I remember it being really simple and usable. Nothing ever broke and i really liked the interface. I have no idea how federation with other social networks is supposed to work, you don’t see any Pixelfed posts on Mastodon or the opposite.

    Frankly, it’s probably the same as the rest of the fediverse: better in every way, but no one uses it.

    • Frosty
      111 months ago

      I was able to subscribe to users on PixelFed instances, and their photos show up on my Mastodon feed.

  • @hare_ware
    11 months ago

    I setup a single user pixelfed server for myself, so far the UI is pretty nice, I like it more than Mastodon, and self hosting was probably a lot harder than it in needed to be. I haven’t tried viewing my Lemmy posts from there, but I can look at stuff from Mastodon & visa-versa. I don’t I’ve gotten it to federate properly so I can’t say how the community there is, but look at the trending posts on and, it seems to be mostly photography right now.

    • Frosty
      211 months ago

      I’m in the same situation. I spun up my own PixelFed instance on Vultr with BackBlaze B2 storage. The site works, but it doesn’t seem to federate correctly.

      • @hare_ware
        111 months ago

        Are you getting posts out but no posts in (unless you paste the link into the search box)?

  • Frosty
    111 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • @tev
    111 months ago

    never used it, but i’ve heard it’s neat. you can’t rly follow ppl on it from lemmy, but you can follow ppl on it from mastodon and such