That’ll send the Dems a message!
What message?
“The far-right gets more votes than a moderate, and there is no sizable left-wing voter bloc in this country”?
Maybe that was the wrong message to send.
When Obama won on a message of hope and change they decided to use that popularity as currency in exchange for corporate/moderate policy.
I wanted Harris to win. I hate Trump, but I can be mad at the Harris campaign for being shit and giving us Trump. I can be mad at everything.
Let’s not forget Biden, who dragged his old ass around on the carpet until the 11th hour before being forcibly ousted by his backers. Same guy who “committed” to being a one term president…until his enormous ego wouldn’t allow him to let go.
Cap that off with anointing Kamala instead of any democratic process, like Primaries, and the argument could be made that Biden ushered this entire timeline into existence.
I wanted Harris to win. I hate Trump, but I can be mad at the Harris campaign for being shit and giving us Trump. I can be mad at everything.
That’s the right attitude tbqh
Maybe disappointed at the Harris campaign and mad at the fascists who voted for trump
Mad and extra mad.
That’s fair
Obama at least managed to deliver the Affordable Care Act; which despite not being Medicare Part E (Medicare for All), was a significant improvement over what existed before.
What the US needs is a proper progressive firebrand from the Dems; someone from the Bernie school - or hell, just pick from any one of the other Western democracies.
“And we’re cool with genocide as long as it’s not BlUe MAgA supported genocide! That’s just a bridge too far!”
It’s more like people didn’t show up less than changing their votes.
If that’s their takeaway, then we’re doomed. They did nothing but court Republicans with their “We can be tough on migrants too” shit. It always blows up in their faces. Biden ran a moderately progressive campaign and blew Trump out of the water. Maybe… just maybe the supposed left party should stop courting the right. Most Americans agree with progressive policies (once you couch them to not sound too “socialist”)
If that’s their takeaway, then we’re doomed
Hate to break it to you, but we’re doomed. We voted in a fascist.
The best we can hope for is that Trump is less vicious than his rhetoric or that his incompetence prevents him from doing the many awful things he promised on the campaign trail.
There are things we can do. Here’s a very simple action you can take that will help. Whenever you see Russian propaganda that violates the rules of whatever social media platform you are using click the report button. It takes just a few seconds of your time and if you are lucky it will get taken down.
Another thing you can do is education. Tell anyone who is reasonable and will listen about what’s going on.
If that’s their takeaway, then we’re doomed.
Yes, which is why we should’ve sent a different message.
The only other message that could be sent is “Yes, good, keep doing that.”
Been saying it for days, so I’ll say it again.
Survive now, protest later. Killing yourself and everyone else is not an effective message.
Let me correct you:
“Survive maybe, protest never. There is no effective way to send a message regardless of how many people have or will die.”
Fucking wanks the whole lot of them
You believe they were all in good faith? I’m convinced some, or even most of the people sending that message got exactly what they wanted.
Some, sure. Most of the time, I assume that when people say stupid shit, it’s because they believe something stupid. Usually because their stupid beliefs are parroted in a community of people which are driven by bad actors - like how most conservatives are feeding from the bad actors in Fox News and acting as a self-reinforcing circlejerk of bad opinions.
That’s certainly part of it. There are also those on the far left that would rather see acceleration towards collapse over another moderate in office. They may not have the numbers, but that doesn’t stop the message from affecting undecided voters.
The “hmm, america seems to be lingering in late-stage and my friends want a collapse before bedtime so…” crowd?
I wouldn’t have described myself that way before this election but I might now. It’s time for America as we know it to cease to exist. I’m not sure what form that should take but this clearly isn’t working anymore.
You’re not gonna like what replaces it.
Well I didn’t ask for it either but clearly it doesn’t matter what I think
I know there’s a very “if you know you know” thing happening, but what will replace America? Is it Russian and Chinese troops coming all the way to Florida so they can set up a military base?
Now you have Trump as President and Matt Geatz as AG.
I’d say lock up your teenage daughter but Matt will be all over that.
You could also fight it out, you know. When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.
A third of Americans won’t even vote and you think a rebellion has a chance?
You cannot have America “cease to exist” on its own. Trump will fuck over America, and make it more barbaric in both foreign and domestic affairs, but it will not “stop being America”. I’m sick and tired of people saying “this isn’t America!” when the United States deposes a democratically-elected candidate again, or when its “democracy” gives people the choice between two war-hawks again, or when the FBI spies on people against their will again, or enacts huge tax cuts again, and so on. Sure, since Kamala is slightly less American, I chose Kamala because of harm reduction. But what I want you all to understand is this:
I don’t want the America of the 1990’s. I don’t want the America of the 1950’s. I don’t want the America of the 1920’s, or the 1890’s, or the 1850’s, or some fever-dreamt America “that will someday happen”. I want NO America. I want NO United States Federal Government.
Sure, Russia and China are bad. But I will not acquiesce to the US military for the sake of fending them off. US democracy has never put people in control of their government; instead, it’s been about two warmongers promising to keep things as they are. Ever since 2016, voting has been an act of begging.
Instead of voting to give the government their say, people vote to beg the government not to make draconian laws. Any state will have a happier, freer people if they secede from the Union, defend themselves successfully, and make a fresh start.
Edit: Meant to press “Preview” and pressed something else.
I may not agree with all of your points, but well done in the presentation. Comes across as reasoned and thought out instead of the irl people I interract with that downplay the severity of how this will affect the average and non-average US citizen.
What do you disagree with?
Nothing to do with her politics. Everything to do with the BS the Dems pulled to get her on the ballot. Dems told me to hold my nose and vote for democracy. . .for a third time and it just got old.
Sooo, you liked her politics but felt forced into a choice anyway? Am I reading your comment right?
Everything that’s coming: If you didn’t vote, you voted for it. If you voted Shill Stein, you voted for it. If you voted Trump and you “didn’t know it would be this way”, you’re as complicit as the non-voters and the boutique voters.
Deliberate ignorance, a lack of critical thinking, and the propaganda that you allowed to game your emotions were all at play here.
Can’t forget the “he won’t actually do what he says”.
I can at least understand that line of thinking. He spent a lot of his first term golfing. He didn’t build the border wall or repeal the ACA or do a lot of what he promised his supporters he would.
Still not an excuse. He did incredible damage in his first term and I expect this one to be worse.
And he’s not even saying he’s going to do Project 2025 but I expect him to.
He didn’t have presidential immunity, both branches of Congress, and the Supreme Court. And now he has all the Project 2025 people who are far more hungry for human misery than he is. And they’re happy to do his job for him.
Yeah, Trump only wanted to win to stay out of prison. I bet he spends his time until his massive coronary playing golf while he lets his people destroy the country.
Man, a local (Canadian) news chain had a pro Trump panelist on a show and that was always her argument. I hope they fucking apologize for giving her a platform when shit hits the fan.
Never forget the “Canadians” like Theo Fleury who parroted Russian asset, Tucker Carlson, and called for the US to “liberate” Canada during covid/convoy.
If you thought the last convoy was hell, wait until the plan goes how it was supposed to then.
They won’t.
Canadians are shifting conservative as well, and it’s just a matter of time until the entirety of the continent is a zero-sum shithole.
I’d respect a massive third party turnout vote, though. At least it shows there is an untapped and active voter base who will show up.
Not voting is just saying that you don’t care. And there were several down ballot elections that were things that leftists say they care about, including ranked choice voting in several states.
I would have more respect for high voter turnout during state and local elections. Those are more important than the presidential election.
I voted for Harris.
That said, a non-participant is objectively less culpable for electing Trump than someone that voted for Trump.
It’s ridiculous how many are clearly more angry at non-participants than Trump’s actual voters.
This system is captured by oligarchs, I vote for least worst out of harm reduction, not hope, and I’m not mad at the people that understand that this ship IS going to sink out of greed/capital market worship regardless of ® or( D), both of which are still selling the lifeboats to the highest bidder beholden to the free market that crashed us into the iceberg, and said fuck it, they’re going to get drunk raiding the bar instead of getting in line to vote on whether to start shooting stowage passengers for kicks® as we all sink.
If you want people to vote for the “leftwing” party in droves, turn it an actual leftwing party with a platform of remaking our economy to reward labor over speculative investment, and making wealth hoarding to the point of being able to buy your own government and Regulators a thing of the past through taxation and even confiscation over certain levels to be put into the commons like education, clean public transport, Healthcare, etc.
Hell, I’ll knock on every door in my state if the Democrats abandoned their neoliberalism and became the party of FDR again with a New New deal. But they won’t do that, because they’d rather have fascism than stop taking the corporate bribe money that Reagan made them junkies for.
Bro, the boat is sinking, some people are bailing it out, some people are drilling holes into the bottom and some people are standing around talking about how they just can’t bring themselves to bail the boat out. They don’t get credit for not drilling holes. That’s not a thing.
You know the Nazi in a bar story where the barman kicks the Nazi out because having a single Nazi in the bar means it’s a Nazi bar? Well it’s the same fucking shit in politics. You don’t vote or you vote third party, knowing full well that you’re opening the door to a Nazi to take power? It means you don’t mind a Nazi taking power therefore you’re a Nazi.
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They shouldn’t get credit or blame.
Again, neoliberals are trying to conflate the people drilling the holes(Trump voters) in the ship with people standing around.
Blame is multi-faceted: the ones who voted for him have a type of complicity and the ones who could have helped but didn’t have a different complicity.
I’m seeing a lot more vitriol aimed at those with less complicity, non-voters, than those with maximum complicity, Trump voters, in media and social media.
Weird to be angrier at the indolent than the aggressors. It’s like being angrier at the quiet Germans keeping their heads down in the late 1930s than the motherfuckers goosestepping down the street with a rifle in one arm and a swastika on the other. One is simply a coward, the other is the problem.
I can’t vouch for what you see, but what you mention reminds me of the vitriol directed at Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema when there were literally 50 hard no votes (hole-drillers) on every vote they ever made.
If you’re just standing around you’re complicit, you don’t get to escape the blame and you should face consequences.
Just make a blame tier list at this point. I want to see where you put Harris and Biden on it
Mad at her for what? Having little power as VP? Being out on the ballot? Even if she said no, the Dem party leadership would just have to quickly push someone in the same manner. All of the excuses are either complete bullshit or Trump would be worse. So stupid…
Her stated policy positions and record on various issues would be my best guess. But, yes, ‘Trump would be worse’ seems true in all cases that I care about at least.
I’m not mad, and I did vote, but I am disappointed.
But at least Peanut is avenged
Imagine that killing a squirrel makes you lose an election vs the easiest contender ever
Why imagine?
It’s the trope used by kids right now. It’s the next “litchally”.
Because it’s made-up bullshit.
This is so Stupid. Nobody’s mad at Harris. She’s like Dry Toast. I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it either.
Well now they’ve got trump lol
I have many many leftist friends that are actually mad at Harris for supporting Israel. Saw a ton of it on social media prior to the election. Wouldn’t be surprised is most of them abstained from voting.
I will say, it would have been a great distinguishing stance, demonstrating backbone, morals, and character.
She is a woman running for a country that demands a Chad, even if Chad is demonstrably stupid, incompetent, malicious, and dangerous.
At least 2 investigative journalists think that the election was stolen. America didn’t choose him.
Your username needs some explaining
Imagine loving capital and zionism more than winning an election.
I really doubt people have strong feelings one way or another for Kamala
Anger is a form of attention and apathy is the lack of attention. If you imagine the voters who didnt turn out to be more mad than apathetic, you’re not gonna reach them next time either.
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Imagine being so thirsty for Palestinian blood that you gave the government to this guy
He already won. You can stop actively trying to disenfranchise
liberalvoters now, thanks, Vladimir.She already lost. Your liberal tears won’t fix anything.
Oh, I’m not crying— I’m snacking on popcorn. The leopards are coming, and I’m just going to lean back and watch MAGA/MAHA/lalalalalaland loud mouths regret every single moment of it.
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Plenty of reasons to hate her stop pretending there isn’t, Being complicit n genocide maybe. Supporting mass human rights abuses against refugees? Saying she would use all power you give her to continue to do so.
Imagine being so bad at politics, that you lose to Trump 3 times in a row.
Imagine being so bad at business that you bankrupt a casino 3 times in a row
Oops, someone is a believer in the big lie.