I didn’t know any of this man’s views, I shouldve started using linux sooner
Here in the Netherlands they accuse people of being a ‘deugmens’ which literally translates as being a ‘virtuehuman’, a human with virtues. Except for possible pretentiousness, having virtues is hardly a bad thing, quite the opposite. Being politically correct has negative connotations, but most of the time it’s very easy to explain why something is politically incorrect, because the incorrect route has often proven in the past to be disastrous. People used to talk about ‘political correctness gone mad’ but now very often any political correctness is deemed bad. Woke is considered by some to be one of the worst insults you can get, but waking up and seeing that there is terrible inequity in this world, seeing that we are very whatever-centric in our thoughts/actions and questioning all that, is hardly a bad thing. Now the question is, do we need to reappropriate these words, reclaim and reframe them, or should we ignore them and move beyond them because people have been so deeply conditioned with ‘woke=bad’ no questions asked.
It’s called “being a decent human”. It doesn’t take much but the right just can’t comprehend that
Hear me out, people who belong to this stupid label “the right” can also hold those values. Shocking, isn’t it? I’ll even out myself as one of those morally apprehensive people of this homogeneous group, which is the exact opposite to the homogeneous group “the left” (because you’re either or, of course), "“the* right”. But I still hold the same values as Linus mentions.
When you boil it down, being right wing means you value property rights over human rights, and left wing is vice versa. Right wing is maintaining wealth and power, and don’t let anyone else get in the way of it.
Of course there’s a spectrum. In the US, the spectrum only applies to the populace, though, as the politicians themselves are behaving so polarized that there only exists “the right” (far-right culture warriors) and “the left” (center-right with lip service to the left).
Then you are either uninformed or somewhere the right is significantly less corrupt
If you think you’re on “the right” and are not advocating actively and persistently for Trump’s removal from office, you’re a fucking useless moron.
Linus is my favourite centrist <3
Linus. The hero we need. But not the hero we deserve.
He’s an asshole, but god damn it, he’s our asshole.
Everyone needs an asshole otherwise you’re just full of shit.
Just how fucking dense do you have to be in order to be surprised that a man who created one of the most popular operating systems on Earth, and then gave it away for free, might be a leftist?
There’s some libertarians in the FOSS community as well, so it’s not a guarantee, but yeah, generally you’ll find that correlation.
Right wingers are extremely stupid and don’t really understand what the left stands for, they fall for all fox news strawman arguments and rage bait.
This is unfortunately true of both sides.
For example, conservatives think pro- choicers are callous baby-killers who only care about abortion because it allows them to “whore around” without consequences. Liberals on the other hand, think pro-lifers are misogynists who want to ban abortion because banning it will hurt women and because they want to make the country more like The Handmaid’s Tale.
…and leftists know that the “abortion debate” is culture warfare injected into the less-educated by billionaires to distract from class warfare.
I was just using that as an example.
Another great one is immigration. Liberals thinks conservatives want to restrict immigration because they hate foreigners. Conservatives want to stop immigration because the job market sucks and has sucked since 2008.
created one of the most popular operating systems on Earth, and then gave it away for free
He didn’t created it alone and “then” gave it away for free. Since it’s begging Linux was free and that created a community who made it the most popular OS.
Yes. It’s called summarizing. Obviously it’s a bit more complicated. I’m not writing an essay on the history of Linux here.
Well it’s due tomorrow by the end of class, Mr. WoodScientist, so you better get cracking.
We would all settle for you not making idiotic comments that mislead anyone who isn’t already informed about this, you might know them as “the vast majority of people”
That comment isn’t misleading, unless you interpret “creator” as “sole contributor”
Kernel. GNU is the operating system.
I’m sorry Richard, I’m not calling it GNU plus Linux no matter how accurate it is.
Yes, yes, and it’s NT/Windows or as I’ve taken to calling it NT+Windows…
This point is pedantic and tired to the point that it has become an infamous copypasta.
It’s also, at least as stated here, not even technically correct. A kernel is an operating system all on it’s own. It just can’t do much.
GNU just provides the software that the user interacts with.
Additionally, there are a number of Linux distros that are entirely free of GNU software.
Just about everyone understands what you mean when you call Linux an OS. The pedantry is unneeded.
GNU is not even a requirement.
Look at Void Linux. Look at Alpine Linux. Look at Chimera Linux.
MUSL instead of Glibc. Clang instead of GCC. Alternative userlands. More and more Linux distros arrive with these traits everyday (many more than I listed).
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
There it is. 🥲
I use Chimera Linux. None of what you said applies.
It’s a famous copypasta
i cant believe this guy invented popcorn :o
It’s actually a sandwich.
Good thing, too; I thought it was a song .
But is it an indicted ham sandwich?
I never know wether to upvote or downvote this comment
I do. It is incorrect.
How so you differentiate with non-Linux GNU systems?
The kernel is the OS
It’s times like these where you’re reminded that Linus is awesome.
I think he isn’t a leftist, but just reasonable
In the USA the republicans simply are such morons currently that anything reasonable appears to be leftist.
I’m center-right in Austria but US-americans would call me a woke communist (and in many regards I’m more leftist than the democrats).
All it takes to be a leftist these days is to not go out of your way every day to be a raging cunt.
Basic human decency. That’s seriously all it takes.
I’m sorry, is my BEING AN ASSHOLE triggering you???
(do NOT make fun of my $1,000.00 USD trump branded FREEDOM sneakers or I’ll get upset 😡 they were NOT a scam)
Or at least show some remorse if you do!
I see a lot of overlap from where I’m standing.
Wait you mean the guy who made a free and open source operating system for everyone to share is left wing!?!?!? WHAT THE FFUUUU
There are a great number of nutjobs running (F)OSS projects, so I wouldn’t assume much about any software maintainer. Also, Linus explicitly only cites upsides to FOSS that pertain to developing the software itself, not to any greater social effort.
Soapbox dude
TempleOS comes to mind…
Don’t undermine the fact that Linus also made Git and I’m pretty sure some scuba diving app. Modern day essentials if you ask me!
I don’t think it’s undermining to credit him with exactly what he accomplished. Linus created the kernel, Stallman invented GNU.
Why not just post the copy pasta
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
it’s just copypasta. thanks for posting. but i think it’s just less popular on lemmy
Unfortunately, it’s true: Linux is woke. And DEI. And gay.
We need to get Elon Musk and the DOGE team on this, stat!
i think this type of comment works better with a “/s”
No, 'cause the /s cheapens the experience of good sarcasm.
And a ward against the evil eye
Watching Linus take a big public dump on someone who deserves it is one of life’s finest guilty pleasures. It’s like a Maya Angelou poem. You can tell he really cared, and meant it, and took some time to get it right.
Reading his words really slams home which side of the political spectrum truly believes in personal freedom and liberty. And it’s not the side that promotes fascism and wants to implement a Christian version of Sharia law under the Ten Commandments.
“I… I was just asking why my WiFi driver isn’t working.”
You jest but it’s because you chose a manufacturer that made a closed-source driver minefield and the volunteer paramedics haven’t been able to get to you yet.
This NIC is woke.
Since I had it handy, here’s the source meme for the uninitiated:
Ahh…they had
enabled. That’ll do it.
To be fair what he’s described is at most Progressive. The left rejects the current economic model as a start. Workers owning the means of production instead of an owner class.
There’s a whole lot of river to swim between fair and equal treatment and full fledged socialism. Not everyone on “the left” sleeps with Karl Marx under their pillow.
Oh definitely. it’s a spectrum, but his post doesn’t go that far left. The idea that any of that is “left wing” is spread by conservatives to make those ideas look radical.
Unfortunately, that is left in Americas overton window
Many here will argue if you aren’t pure you aren’t left in any flavor.
Yes, but did you know they’re probably false?
Yes, but they don’t.
We should feed them to Linus
Aaaand we’ve arrived at UnixSurrealism
They’re obviously false, doesn’t change the landscape though
I don’t really know much about his personal politics, but his work seems to speak pretty loudly about rejecting the idea of software as private property to be bought and sold by capital, which, you know, that’s more than just progressive, even if it’s just in one area.
I’m just commenting on what’s there.
An ally is an ally
Yup, my point is not that he isn’t an ally, it’s that being an ally isn’t inherently leftist.
I have a hard time finding a right wing or centrist ideology that gives a shit about minorities. So, while correlation doesn’t always imply causation, it usually does.
I think the whole left vs right thing is stupid.
Individual views are much more complex than a single left/right axis, so you’re always going to find people on both sides who have views that differ greatly from the major political party on their ‘side’.A ‘progressive’ right winger would care more about preventing the government from deciding what you’re allowed to do, rather than explicitly protecting minorities.
So while they wouldn’t push laws that require businesses to serve everybody indiscriminately, they also wouldn’t push laws that explicitly ban things like gender therapy.Obviously the majority of right wingers in america aren’t progressive though.
The Right doesn’t care what people actually believe.
They happily quote MLK on a daily basis.
Ray Bradbury was always anti-fascist, but he called out President Obama because there were no space missions during the Obama terms. After Bradbury died the Right tried to cherry pick quote to make him look like a life long Republican.
per Bradbury’s Wikipedia Article
"Bradbury considered himself a political independent.[83] Raised a Democrat, he voted for the Democratic Party until 1968. In 1952, he took out an advertisement in Variety as an open letter to Republicans, stating: “Every attempt that you make to identify the Democratic Party as the party of Communism, as the ‘left-wing’ or ‘subversive’ party, I will attack with all my heart and soul.”[84] However, Lyndon B. Johnson’s handling of the Vietnam War left Bradbury disenchanted, and from 1968 on he voted for the Republican Party in every presidential election with the exception of 1976, when he voted for Jimmy Carter. According to Bradbury’s biographer Sam Weller, Carter’s inept handling of the economy “pushed [Bradbury] permanently away from the Democrats”.[83]
Bradbury called Ronald Reagan “the greatest president” whereas he dismissed Bill Clinton, calling him a “shithead”.[85] In August 2001, shortly before the September 11 attacks, he described George W. Bush as “wonderful” and stated that the American education system was a “monstrosity”.[86] He later criticized Barack Obama for ending NASA’s crewed space flight program.[85]
In 2010, he criticized big government, saying that there was “too much government” in America, and “I don’t believe in government. I hate politics. I’m against it. And I hope that sometimes this fall, we can destroy part of our government, and next year destroy even more of it. The less government, the happier I will be".[85] Bradbury was against affirmative action, condemned what he called “all this political correctness that’s rampant on campuses”, and called for a ban of quotas in higher education.[21][85] He asserted that “[e]ducation is purely an issue of learning—we can no longer afford to have it polluted by damn politics”.[21]”
Yeah that’s uh… that sounds about right. I wonder a lot about that generation.
Would Rod Serling, a humanist at heart, who campaigned to bring black actors onto mainstream TV sets, and always sent a message that the individual should always fight against an oppressive regime… would he too be lost in a sea of republicanism as he got older and the world changed around him?
I’m glad we’ll never know.
Bradbury needed to look closer then because Obama was working on NASA to get it built back up. Trump didn’t magically make rockets available in a couple years. That stuff takes a very long lead time to get right.
That stuff takes a very long lead time to get right.
Yet somehow, people still think Mr. “We’ll be on Mars by 2025,” who is still launching rockets that explode mid-air, should be allowed to throw out this tried and true method. Surely, the idea of “move fast and break things” is more financially responsible than polluting debris and waste over the country. Fucking monorail salesman…
Did you never hear about falcon 9 or something? SpaceX’s design process is tried and true. They used it to design the most successful rocket platform ever made. Not only is first stage reuse a massive breakthrough in it’s own right but they pulled it off with arguably the most reliable rocket in history,
Sorry, I should have clarified: the engineers at SpaceX are good, and don’t think they are doing anything wrong. I’m not meaning to ignore or discredit their accomplishments.
My comment was directed towards Musk, specifically. He has a track record of overpromising and underdelivering, throwing out the baby with the bathwater, fighting regulations, and chaos testing in production—across almost all of his ventures. SpaceX succeeded despite him, and he shouldn’t be followed as an example for a leader of any organization that intends to send flying metal full of fuel into the atmosphere.
SpaceX was an accomplishment that got a lot done. Elon might be shit, but he hasn’t destroyed everything he’s touched.
I think he’s always been a sociopathic narcissist. However. It was around the time of the “pedo” comment or early Covid that he completely purged anyone who would tell him no, surrounded himself with yes-men, and fried his brain with drugs.
“The devil can cite scripture for his purpose.”
TIL Linus is capable of decency. Occasionally.
As long as the code you submit is quality. Otherwise brace for impact.
Well. He’s gotten better.
I think he really struggled understanding that he was seen as a leader, and that people were modelling his behavior because he was setting the standard. Once he realized that, his criticisms became more… measured.
Arguably it was his daughter who got him to tone down.
Kids will do that.
If the kids are lucky
He’s also mellowed as he’s gotten older
makes you wonder what the reply would have been like 10 years ago. probably something along the lines “just breathing the same air as you already makes me feel stupider…”
Idk, it’s more of a Dr. Cox from Scrubs situation. Clearly not the “villain” but definitely abusive on his way to do good works.
I guess it’s “Jerk With a Heart of Gold” but it’s not very zippy.
Must… Resist… TVTropes… Link…
A compassionate misanthrope. I can relate.
He is offensively decent.