Commission I’ve made for Mazaradie some time ago.

  • @LordAmplifier
    510 months ago

    Aww, this is beautiful! I didn’t see the character at first and thought it was a photograph. But they should be careful around moving trains when their tail is sticking out like that :3

  • Ethanol
    510 months ago

    the details are amazing! Like the reflection in the puddles or the shading on the objects in the front!
    And obviously the whole train and tracks :P
    Great art!

  • Zatchery
    510 months ago

    hah wow this is really amazing work! characters in environments like this have to be my favorite type of art. would have thought this was real if I didnt see the lil guy hanging off the side :3 I wonder how OSHA would adapt to tail safety in an environment like this…

  • Suzie Starlight
    310 months ago

    I almost thought this was a real photograph for a hot minute! This is incredible! So much detail, the lighting is wonderful!