These are the ways im aware of right now:

  • Android App
  • iOS App
  • Mobile Browser (which browser)
  • Desktop Browser (which browser)
  • CLI Client

If another way please specify, i’m curious 😌

  • The
    2 years ago

    am using chrome on multiple windows computers, one desktop and a couple 2-in-1 shitty tablet PCs. the UI is a bit klunky but honestly it’s working amazingly for the amount of traffic that it’s had since i signed up this morning.

    would like some way of scrolling back up to the top of a page quickly so that i can navigate.

    would like it if posts that i left-click on would open a new window like reddit and a few other sites do, as opposed to dragging me away from where i was on my scroll down the feed.

    would DEFINITELY like to see a desktop app because while the interface isn’t garishly ugly, it’s also not particularly aesthetic, if you get what i’m saying. i’d love to be able to personalise different instances to different colours.

    oh well, i don’t have them right now and it’s still a less painful experience than reddit, even with the occasional bugs