• @LordAmplifier
    35 months ago

    When a protogen does things like that, isn’t that technically performing brain surgery on themselves?

    • KovukonoOP
      35 months ago

      I tried to find an argument that it could be something like drugs or changing your outlook, but no, it’s permanent. Basically casual brain surgery.

      • Draconic NEOM
        45 months ago

        Is it though, once the system crashes and reboots it’ll lose the ram contents, so the script won’t run again (unless he chooses to run it again), that is unless he added into his visor’s firmware directly.

        • KovukonoOP
          35 months ago

          Oh, I meant setting the ulimit (but that could also be temporary if you don’t use a file). Yeah, you just have to reboot the system to clear the fork bomb.

        • @LordAmplifier
          15 months ago

          Yeah, that’s a great point. Even if it’s a permanent software change, unless you completely brick your system, you can restore it from a backup (or do a fresh install and load a backup if you need to) and be fine. (Which I guess leads to the question whether a protogen is still the same person as before if they had to do that?)

          • Draconic NEOM
            25 months ago

            I’d reckon they are, most protos have a flesh and blood brain, since they’re cyborgs not fully robots. One might say they could suffer brain damage from the system crashing, but it seems likely there would be fail-safes to prevent or mitigate brain damage from system crashes that could happen for any reason from electromagnetic interference, to just plain getting whacked in the head, after all it’s not inconceivable their implants could ever fail at some point.