I like how the 80’s one was a mashup of just about everything and then the 90’s is just Seinfeld + Friends and leaning extremely heavy on the Friends side.
Also why is every character played by Chris Kattan? 🤔
The gal on the far left looks like the gal who played Tapanga had a baby with Chris Kattan.
There’s a lot of Full House in there too
I feel like I’ve seen his face somewhere before?
There, and there, and there, and there! :-P
They all have the same face, lol
Oh and the oversized suits and jeans. Funny how that style of women’s clothes seems to be making a comeback now.
It’s the classic 90s show Quadruplets Meet World.
Bard’s attempt:
The hands are nightmare fuel
I wish I could unsee that…
Thanks… :) lol.
I’d like to know which artist is claiming AI is copying their style for this photo?
I’ll go with… Hieronymus Bosch.
Don’t other the lepers.
Wow Bard cannot do faces… every single one is awful in its own unique way.
Special shout out to the two women second from the right. The guy on the left is the best, but gives strong Harold vibes.
AHHHHHHHHH! Kill it with fire!
I have seen movies were people have fingers like that and none of them end well.
Got Jim Travolta over on the left…
Lol this was actually funny. :) Very derpy looking faces.
It’s the lazy eyes. But at least it’s a little more diverse
This one is way more authentic. They even got the Tolkien black guy.
Meet the Schwimmers
If David Schwimmer had a baby with Jim Carrey
Coming up next after Fronds is everyone’s favourite hard-hitting workplace comedy: Fax, Lies, and Office Supplies
The eyes are straight horror
This is perfect for a scary movie. People just smiling like that… Gives me the chills. And that blond women on the right, she looks like she would stab me in the eye and laugh.
This picture is from “Too Many Cooks… Returns”
Lmao. Dude in the back has comic hands with four fingers.
With a side of family resemblance since they all have the same noses.
The CEO is secretly all their father and he employed them all to see who will take over his fax machine company, it’s all revealed in the season finale.
You can tell it’s the '90s because of the TV on the couch.
Yea the pet TV was a huge craze back then.
How about this one
🎶Too many cooks… 🎶
Oh god it just keeps going.
Why oh why did I zoom in on those faces?!
It gets increasingly… something… as you look until it ends up like that fromsoft character creator glitch where you max out the sliders and save and load the profile and max them again and repeat to go over the maximum values for the facial feature adjustments
They’re all white.
Strike that, there’s one token black woman. Very 90s.
Both of the girls remind me of Topanga.
Look at Joehandeloss sitting dead centre.
Creepy Friends
Man those are fucked up fingers. Ai still can’t do hands eh?
To be fair, lots of human artists cant either, or fucking hate doing scenes with complex finger work, or drawing precise hands in scenes where the hands arent really the focus.
There are reasons why exasperated anime characters hands just turn into balls when they flail about.
Even a lot of video games for a very long time just used something like mitten hands in a lot of cases.
Hands are really fucking complex
Its ok, I’ll wear mittens and a cap for my winter themed self portrait, hahhaa.
I didn’t notice… am I ai?
Naw as far as AI hands go these actually ain’t that bad. I think they all have 5 fingers
Some models are getting better, but it’s still a point of difficulty. There are a lot of valid ways for fingers to be, so “finger like” areas have a lot of valid ways to be drawn. You need a fair bit of context to be able to say “wait, this is far too many, and the angles are all over the place”. They also seem to do less well when more detail needs to be given to other areas.
Some images from a model that tried to do better at hands, and a prompt that pushes it to focus in the hands:
Starring Garbage Pail Reese Witherspoon and a Skeleton in a skin suit.
@aihorde@lemmy.dbzer0.com draw for me 90s Sitcom
Reminds me of Too Many Cooks
Yes, but everyone is on mega-doses of antidepressants.
Man! Alfonso Ribeiro was just in everything back then. Multiple times!
This looks good actually. Even though they all look a bit brainwashed with their smiles.
Anyone have a good prompt? I’m having a hard time. Also, what is OP using?
My prompt was the same as my post title, using ChatGPTs Dall-e 3
I also mainly use ChatGPT 4 and DALL·E 3. Here is my experience.
Ah I might’ve used Bings Dall-e 3 in that case, I alternate between the two pretty often as they give very different results.