Dumbass just has it upside down it’s actually just LL:6
Ah that make sense . These karma whores i tell ya.
That’s why you should always include a banana in the picture. Then we can tell if the clock is right side up in relation to the banana.
Banana for orientation
did you just assume my orientation?
I guess that depends what you do with the banana
In was looking for a small space heater for the bathroom because it gets so cold in the morning. There was one that was a plug in into the outlet kinda like a night light, and had a temperature display. There was a one star review along the lines of
This thing is garbage! It just keeps saying nonsense like 9L! Needs better instructions!
I flipped the photo upside down and…
LL:6 already! I’m late for my harmonica recital!
Did you try setting it to Wumbo?
El El Seis?! He’s HERE?!
At this time of year
The thermometer Celsius sign and the precipitation percentage sign indicate that this is in fact the correct orientation
You mean
Both seem like perfectly cromulant measurements to me.
Maybe it’s in Spanish mode.
I think that was sarcasm.
You Americans with your imperial system. 9:77 o’clock is 10:17 in metric. /s
I see the s, but you have it backwards. 9:77 is clearly metric time, with 100 minutes per hour…
ackshually … the French really tried something like that https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time
IT would be simpler if this catched on. Why it didn’t?
OP said Kmart, Kmart is dead in the USA, so the buyer is probably Australian or New Zealander.
or it’s a tweet from 10+ years ago
Which makes waaaaaay more sense as everyone uses their phone for alarms now rather than a fucking clock lmao
Ummm I still use a clock. It played the radio which I like as an alarm better. Plus you can hit the snooze so easily.
I don’t think Twitter was founded by the time Kmart left the big cities around 20 years ago.
Last time I set foot in a K mart was in 2015 in Greensboro NC.
Wow, they were all out from the DFW metroplex and only found in rural cities by 2005 at the latest in TX. I thought they had all closed down by 2015.
That last one I mentioned was pretty late in its going out of business sale. It shut down a few weeks later.
I can guarantee there was a K-Mart in Sacramento, CA, at LEAST until 2019, possibly 2022 but my memory of being in the area in 2022 is hazy
Twitter def existed well before they were gone from populated areas
Oh wow, I thought they had left cities in the early 2000s although maybe that was just TX. I thought they completely left the states by 2015.
Also the clock says it’s 17 degrees Celsius, although to be fair I think it’s established that the clock is unreliable.
I assume the 59% is humidity? So they took the time to make the clock indicate humidity but couldn’t make it indicate time.
No it is just 59% just in case you need to know how much percent it is.
how much percent what is?
Maybe it’s a certainty. The clock is 59% sure that it is 9:77 right now.
A great man once said Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so. … so why not temperature too?
Very deep. You should send that in to the Readers Digest. They’ve got a page for people like you.
Kmart isn’t completely dead in the US. There are two in the states, three in the US Virgin Islands, and one in Guam
Clearly it’s set to metric time
9.7 kiloseconds for my metric friends
Decimal time is the representation of the time of day using units which are decimally related. This term is often used specifically to refer to the French Republican calendar time system used in France from 1794 to 1800, during the French Revolution, which divided the day into 10 decimal hours, each decimal hour into 100 decimal minutes and each decimal minute into 100 decimal seconds (100000 decimal seconds per day), as opposed to the more familiar standard time, which divides the day into 24 hours, each hour into 60 minutes and each minute into 60 seconds (86400 SI seconds per day).
That sounds like a better way to me. 🤔
What are the laws in the US regarding this? In Germany, this clock is clearly defective and must be repaired or replaced or refunded by the vendor at no additional charge.
In most places you can return it back for any reason and without one, if you still have a receipt.
At least within a relatively short time period, like 30 or 90 days.
But how do you measure time if the clock is broken?
You count? one mississipi, two mississipi etc
One mippipipi… two mippipipi…
I don’t know if there are laws about it but most places will let you return for store credit at least.
You could definitely get it repaired/replaced by the manufacturer
But, would you? You can probably return it to where you bought it, but that’s at least 10 mins of your life.
You could also throw it in the trash… That takes 0 minutes. That’s what they hope you’ll do, and so every other option is made possible, but frustrating
Please recycle electronics. Thanks!
How? I recycle e-waste personally, because I find disassembling it relaxing.
What is a normal person meant to do? I’ve been asked and I don’t know what to tell them
I’m sure most local/county recycling centers take electronics along with other recyclables (mine does). If not, retailers like Best Buy will take them at the customer service desk. Also, we have an electronic scrap bin at my place of employment, which is what I normally use. So many options!
That clock obviously runs on military time. Easy mistake to make.
deleted by creator
Yes. Theres still a few surviving stores in America.
and there is a KMart in Australia that is totally unconnected to the other Kmarts that… I believe is still doing well? Not sure, not aussie.
Kmart here is still doing well.
Target and KMart are merged in aussielandia now, arent they? and operate as one store?
Remaining Targets are being assimilated into the Kmart universe. Resistance is futile.
I swear to god it feels like you guys are living in another dimension sometimes. Lol truly don’t mean that in a bad way just so very different from what I’m used to, but, very similar to the West.
Target doesn’t dare to return to Canada LOL.
Yeah they merged last year, but its still a work in progress and we still have distinct kmarts and targets
Wow. I thought there were no more KMarts in the US. Turns out there are two in the States, three in the US Virgin Islands, and one in Guam
they also have a (Very shitty) website for ordering
The old Kmart headquarters building that’s been abandoned rotting away as urban decay next to a fancy mall for since before the new millennium where the executives allegedly had cocaine parties in the 80s (which may have negatively affected the company’s outcome) is finally being professionally torn down by construction crewmen. It’s so fucking ugly beige reddish rust 80s office building its parts should be buried with humanity’s nuclear waste
For a second I was trying to figure out what the urban decay makeup brand has to do with kmart
This broken clock never right once!
This clock is clearly using the galactic alphabet. Buyer should have looked before buying.
always check the packaging to make sure you’re buying a clock that’s base 60. Especially from Kmart
Can confirm my base 60 clock from Kmart says its 42:32pm right now.
And always check the store to make sure you are buying it from a store based on earth, not mars.
Or is the time LL:6?
I used to be scared of stuff like this.
Money exchanged hands though, so it accomplished its purpose (of tricking the buyer). :-(
I’m sure he can return it to Kmart though
I don’ didn’t know there were still Kmarts around. Dollar stores and Wally World replaced them all in my part of the country.
Kmart is still really big in Australia and New Zealand. It’s mostly replaced target, and we don’t really do chain dollar stores (we do have them, just they aren’t called dollar stores most of the time and are usually small little independent ones in the corner of shopping centres)
Even so, it has already accomplished its purpose. Dealing with returns is the job of the next CEO - this one has already gotten theirs, ca-ching 🤑 !
We converted to decimal time.
That’s obviously Fri Apr 24 1970 02:22:39 GMT+0000 in Unix time.
deleted by creator
it’s showing internet time
One side of me is asking “Seriously, who thought that dividing a day in 1000 units would be useful?”
The other side of me can’t wait for me to start saying to my friends “A’ight, meet me at @960”.
It’s upside down. The time is LL:6.