Also, how does a man get camel toe?

    • Flying SquidOPM
      504 months ago

      That wasn’t an attempt at sexiness, that was an attempt at making a movie while doing all the drugs.

        • Flying SquidOPM
          184 months ago

          Hey, I love Zardoz. I have an original Zardoz poster what was (until I recently swapped it for a The Human Duplicators poster) on my wall in a frame.

          But seriously, it was a drug-fueled mess. John Boorman admitted as much:

          Um, it was The '70s, and I was doing a lot of drugs. Frankly, even I’m not entirely sure what parts of the movie are about.

          The insanity of Zardoz is exactly why I love it. Does it make sense? Not much. But I love a lot of movies that don’t make much sense.

            4 months ago

            Lol it’s not my style at all (I’m more a Barbarella cheese fan), but I do appreciate the spectacle it achieved, even if it looks outrageously silly today. It’s definitely a product of its time. Seriously though, you could take the movie and all it’s wild production stories, claim it was made in the 80s, and everybody would believe you. I’m not unconvinced Boorman wasn’t a time traveler

    294 months ago

    The '80s were strange. But I remember watching this when it originally aired and the costumes in this episode were pretty extra even for the time.

    • Flying SquidOPM
      184 months ago

      I agree actually. I just didn’t think of a better title. I was 12 when that episode came out, meaning I was at the perfect age to drool over a sexy lady and even then I was like, “nah.”

    194 months ago

    His penis is facing to his right.

    I don’t know what to do with this information.

  • KeriKitty (They(/It))
    4 months ago

    Also, how does a man get camel toe?

    One of many reasons the 2380s will look back upon this post with disdain.

    Edit: Okay, apparently I was far too subtle trying to point out that a man can be trans. Just me being woke SJW in TenForward I guess 🤷

    • Flying SquidOPM
      224 months ago

      If that’s what we have to look forward to in the future, there is no way I’m becoming a country singer who gets cryogenically frozen on a spaceship for 300 years.

  • 👍Maximum Derek👍
    164 months ago

    I like to imagine what went down in the casting office for this episode.

    “Yeah, yeah. She’s fine, lets show off that belly button to prove she had a mom. But him… Let’s give the world an anatomy lesson with him.” Then the rest of the room erupts into wolf-whistles and lewd comments.

  • southsamurai
    4 months ago

    Man, it takes balls to wear that outfit.

    Or insanity, you can clearly see the nuts

    114 months ago

    My main issue with this is that the bottoms are too tight.

    Far be it for me to judge an alien race’s fashion, but that does not look comfortable.

    The tops aren’t particularly great either, though I like the “design” of the female version better than the one that guy is wearing… “Like” is probably too strong of a term.

    In every case, the first few seasons of TNG had it’s problems. This episode was one of them. A society where the only punishment was death? What the actual fuck?

    • Flying SquidOPM
      114 months ago

      Picard’s actions were terribly written too. He kidnapped a woman from the planet and brought her up to the ship with her god on it to confirm she worshiped it and it terrified her.

        64 months ago

        Yeah. The whole episode was kind of off the wall in terms of sanity.

        Not the worst episode they made, but it was up there.

      114 months ago

      In every case, the first few seasons of TNG had it’s problems. This episode was one of them. A society where the only punishment was death? What the actual fuck?

      Sci-Fi loves taking real world things to extremes. In the US cattle rustling (stealing) was punishable by hanging for a very long time.

  • teft
    104 months ago

    My chesticles are up here!

    Keep your leering starman gaze away from my cameltoe.

    94 months ago

    Should have gone the Benny Hill way and have the planet go nude while covered by the environment in the shots.

    • Flying SquidOPM
      -14 months ago

      It really wasn’t. You could turn on MTV any time of day and see sexier outfits than that.

      Or even Soul Train.

        104 months ago

        This was broadcast tv rather than cable. That’s a more restrictive set of rules. Cable only channels could show more.

          34 months ago

          It was broadcast weirdly.. It and DS9 were some of the last major shows to be in 1st-run syndication, so every market had it on a different time slot and channel as opposed to network shows. Paramount made the show, and they didn’t have a network and no network wanted to buy the sequel to an old 60s TV show that had been canceled early. It probably saved the franchise, since the first few seasons were God-awful, but it was up aired in time slots usually used for a movie-of-the-week or reruns of old programs.

          But then Paramount launched their own broadcast network. Voyager’s pilot was the first thing UPN aired, and the show franchise stayed with UPN throughout Voyager and Enterprise’s runs. After Enterprise went off the air, so did UPN. They mentioned with the WB network to form the CW.

          1st run syndication kinda went away with the explosion of cable in the 90s and 2000s. That’s when TNT, Scifi, Comedy Central, and other basic cable channels started getting stronger original programs.

          Then streaming came along.

        • Flying SquidOPM
          24 months ago

          Soul Train was on broadcast TV. And it was on the weekends after Saturday morning cartoons.