If people are actually triggered by any discussion of rape, then they might have a text filter set up to block posts containing the string “rape”… Which this post won’t get blocked by either.
As an aside, presumably “sexual assault” is a better content warning flag than “rape”. More neutral and less emotionally loaded.
Well yeah, but at least rape is clear. I hate it when someone ralskt about how a woman had an indecent relationship with a young boy where a guy just plain raped a little girl.
If people are actually triggered by any discussion of rape, then they might have a text filter set up to block posts containing the string “rape”… Which this post won’t get blocked by either.
As an aside, presumably “sexual assault” is a better content warning flag than “rape”. More neutral and less emotionally loaded.
Well yeah, but at least rape is clear. I hate it when someone ralskt about how a woman had an indecent relationship with a young boy where a guy just plain raped a little girl.
Call both what it is, rape