I’m so glad I migrated to Lemmy. Holy shit.
Please stop with the r*pe thing. We all know you’re trying to say rape, it’s okay. We know you don’t condone it, you don’t support it, you’re merely talking about the subject and you’re not hiding what you’re talking about, we know it’s rape, it’s fine to talk about rape being a bad thing and using the actual word for that. We’re all adults here.
I genuinely want to know if it even helps people who feel triggered after reading the word. Does the * actually change things that much? Like you said, everyone knows what’s being said.
Saying words like that on some platforms makes the algorithm that distribute content distribute it less. People will also talk about the censor in the comments creating more engagement and so the algorithm will promote further. It has absolutely nothing to do with being kind and respectful to people who might be triggered and is infact exploiting their negative reaction to generate fake internet points
My crackpot theory anyway
The stuff about tiktok and algorithms is definitely true, the rest I don’t think the average person would think about that in enough detail to do so nefariously, though maybe I’m the naive one
If people are actually triggered by any discussion of rape, then they might have a text filter set up to block posts containing the string “rape”… Which this post won’t get blocked by either.
As an aside, presumably “sexual assault” is a better content warning flag than “rape”. More neutral and less emotionally loaded.
Well yeah, but at least rape is clear. I hate it when someone ralskt about how a woman had an indecent relationship with a young boy where a guy just plain raped a little girl.
Call both what it is, rape