I used to play Elite: Dangerous quite a bit. I liked exploring the best - most of my 2+ billion credits came from exploration data.

  • Hanalei
    41 year ago

    Very cool – Elite Dangerous is awesome, one of the most immersive experiences my PC can offer.

    • @CapydeevOP
      31 year ago

      It can be! I bought a HOTAS for this game (thrustmaster x16000 I think it’s called). I also played a little bit with VR, and I never took my eyes off the game the whole time I was plugged in. My PC only just managed to handle VR mind.

      • @Omega
        51 year ago

        Elite dangerous is one of my most played games, I’ve only done a few minutes in vr but those were some of my most enjoyed hours of all my ED playtime