photos of my cat: 10,000,000 but shes so cute! 🥰
That, sir, is only one photo.
I didn’t want to derail the post but had to pay cat tax… 🐈
Your cat appears to malfunctioning or maybe stoned. You may want to return it to the factory for service.
She had a dreamy licky, that she enjoys
Greetings Hrothgar, a fine day to you and your brethren. What news comes from Yondrha, beyond the Troll Gates of Ananhk?
The trolls are advancing, they have sensed the absence of the dogs of war and are trying their luck
The neighbourhood trolls
Fly now then, noble one! Lest ye be smited (smoten? smitten?) by the return of the Wolfish ones, and sip the milk of paradise
we make it a point to take one (1) every year. No more, no less. On new year’s eve
“How will you remember all the good times if you never take pictures?”
“With my memory…”
I was there. If i don’t remember it it’s not important.
My memory is blank. Unless you show me a photo of me at a place, only then will I remember the event.
as a professional photographer i’ve come to value lived experiences so much more since starting doing photography. on vacations i’ll take a couple of photos of a pretty place or a person (with their consent of course) and then turn off my camera and let myself be in the moment
it saddens me to see people with their phones taking photos of every nook and crany that they’ll probably look at once or twice after, and leave without even having seen the beauty around them with their own eyes
The world is better seen with your eyes than your phone.
Memory fades and changes, but even so, enjoying the feelings and reminiscing are more meaningful than any photo. I hate this meme though (I know you’re not OP - just venting) because I’m a woman who never takes photos and just enjoys the moment. There are lots of us. It really doesn’t have to be gendered.
True, i know guys who take thousands of pictures. But you still, if i think about someone taking a ton of selfies i don’t think about a dude. If me and my 8 close friends pull together all of our pictures we’re not getting 8 pictures of us.
My wife and I are both horrible photo takers so I guess our lives will just be a big mystery once we’re gone.
The government will do it for you 😇😇😇
And over 4 thousand of image/video memes
Haha, this is spot on. I don’t think I have a single photo of me and my best friends together the last 15 years. It’s just something we never do.
Do you care so little about your friends you need a picture to remind you of what they look like!?!?
Gender differences aren’t funny
Boo. Gender differences are part of the human condition and can be funny. You just have to let it not slide into misogyny or misandry.
Hang out with some drag queens, if you don’t find their gendered humor funny, you need to have a think about your worldview.
Also, cis-het is naturally the majority of people. They are going to find humor in their shared gender differences.
The human condition sucks. I moved past it long ago and you should too. I don’t like humour based on learned helplessness. Humans complaining about being human isn’t funny, because being human is their own choice.
Wow. That’s pretty warped. It sounds joyless and isolating.
I enjoy my meat suit and find joy in the meat suits of others.
If this is actually your worldview and not just you concern trolling, I recommend you seek some counseling. I say this with respect and concern.
You really shouldn’t treat being otherkin as a mental problem. It’s rather offensive. And you don’t need to yuck someone else’s yum just because they’re a different species than you. Being myself isn’t boring at all.
Oh, that whole otherkin thing is absolutely a symptom of mental illness or maladjusment. I’m being blunt, and I expect you will find this insulting. I have no intent to insult or demean.
If you’re being genuine, you should seek help. I’ve seen it a fair amount, the same with DID self diagnosis. If you think those things are real, you are likely experiencing a personality disorder or struggling with some other mental illness.
While there are plenty of voices online that will tell you that you are this way and it’s okay, it isn’t. It can be socially isolating and impact your life in negative ways. Not trying to be disrespectful. Gender dysphoria and transgenderism/non-binary have scientific backing. Otherkin and DID seem to be an outgrowth of the kink and autistic communities, seems to be a very infectious thing. The otherkin thing came to my attention about 15 years ago and DID popped up maybe 6-7 years ago.
Seems to be a metastasis of otherness into a maladaptive identity pathology. Personally, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in anyone who isn’t on the spectrum.
I generally excuse myself from an in-person conversation when someone mentions they are kin or DID. It seems to be a treatment resistant pathology and latches on similar to bad religion. It is self reinforcing and isolating.
Again, I’m saying this with respect and care as an active participant of the kink/queer/leather community. I’m all about some pups, D/s relationship dynamics, but I also try and stick to science. Labels serve us, we are not our labels. Please seek counseling if you haven’t already.
Why not?
Gender is a social construct and inherently malleable and subjective, which permits infinite diversity. Therefore, all claimed differences are inaccurate stereotypes.
When people talk about gender stereotypes, they’re not usually saying “every man is like this!” or “every woman does that!”
Its more, “here’s a general trend I have seen in this group of people, the majority being categorised neatly within this gender range, amongst this diaspora of people, within this socioeconomic band.”
But people dont explicitly say that, because they assume that others know what they mean.
Yeah and that’s not funny
It can be. Italians expressing themselves through their hands; Germans doing the socks and sandals; Welsh and Arabs having throaty names; Greek beards vs Turkish moustaches; I can go on…
The point where it stops being funny is when it’s actively used to keep said groups down.
But as banter between friends of equal stature? Hilarious.