• Veraxus
      422 months ago

      We must always remember that to Republicans “Small Government” means “a small number of our own people have total authority”.

  • Nougat
    922 months ago

    Armed agents of the state with the power to detain, arrest, and imprison are explicitly excluded from oversight. What could go wrong?

    • JDPoZ
      132 months ago

      …You forgot “decide to 💥 you.”

  • @jmanes@lemmy.world
    872 months ago

    This part really got me:

    “You have review boards, that’s fine, but it’s got to be done in ways where you have the Sheriff or Chief of Police appointing people,” the governor said. “It can’t be people that have an agenda.”

    The Sheriff and the Chief of Police are the very people who have an agenda. Of course DeSantis knows this. Sane people in Florida need to evacuate as soon as possible.

    • Mike
      2 months ago

      Sane people in Florida need to evacuate as soon as possible.

      No! That is exactly the power play. Policies like this are intended to move liberal voters out of swing states. You know, the ones that sway the elections. They want the swing states to be red states.

    • We can’t have the minor chance that the civilian board might have an agenda vs the people like the sheriff or police that absolutely have an agenda.

    • @Dasus@lemmy.world
      22 months ago

      It’s honestly rather ironic how they always claim they’re avoiding the exact thing they’re doing.

  • DigitalTraveler42
    692 months ago

    He’s such a fascist piece of shit and there is no bottom with him, just a complete garbage human being being propped up by other sycophantic garbage humans.

      • DigitalTraveler42
        142 months ago

        It really feels like the FL GOP just hang out around the legislature thinking about new ways to fuck with people, just a bunch of bullies looking for targets.

  • @BigMacHole@lemm.ee
    612 months ago

    That’s RIGHT! Nothing says Protect The Children like allowing Police Officers to kill Children or wait outside of a Mass School Shooting while Children DIED with ZERO Consequences!

    • @unmagical@lemmy.ml
      292 months ago

      He also passed legislation that made it legal to kill protestors with your vehicle if they were in the road.

      I really don’t think that /s is warranted that’s literally his stance on the matter.

      • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
        92 months ago

        Does that mean it’s legal for me to shoot the driver? After all I have the right to stand my ground and the cops love telling us how cars are a lethal weapon…

  • Granbo's Holy Hotrod
    372 months ago

    I heard from an Afghanistan War vet once that all his cop friends didn’t think the public had enough knowledge or insight to understand the actions of the police. There is some fact there. A normal citizen might not understand that cops are taught from day one to fear everyone around them while also being lone warriors against the criminal zombie hoard. The thin blue line protecting white picket fences against the shadows. This is so obvious an authoritarian play. So mad these MAGA asshats stole my punk rock sole.

    • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
      112 months ago

      I’m a different Afghan War Vet and yeah there is a gap there. People aren’t fully aware of what police are thinking. We should make them aware because it’s ridiculous that police departments the size of an Infantry division can operate like it’s the wild west. I think if people knew their cops were getting trained to think they’re in a war and anyone not in a uniform or seen as a “citizen” (Not to be confused with actual citizenship) was the enemy I think we’d have some change really quick. As it is there’s a lot of people out there who think they have privilege with the police until they find out the hard way they really don’t.

      • @bradorsomething@ttrpg.network
        92 months ago

        I’ve had a strong concern with people in EMS calling others “citizens” as if they are some special tier in society. As a paramedic I am a citizen - I am not in the military. But I see a distinct effort by some of my fellow citizens in EMS try to create some class difference because they took a whole year (less for the cops) to learn some skills at a community college (maybe just classes with some vague accreditation for cops).

        I know the “vague accreditation” statement might start some conversations, and I’ve taught in EMS at the college level and taken law enforcement classes; I would actually enjoy discussing this with my fellow citizens in the police field.

        • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          The thing that gets me every time is when I hear a police officer refer to someone as a “civilian”. Like, dude you are a civilian too unless you’re giving your weekends to Uncle Sam. They hide behind the word, like people can’t understand the life of a police officer in the same way it’s hard to understand combat in a war zone without having been there. We all live here, we all understand it perfectly fine.

          • @theneverfox
            32 months ago

            They use military ranks, military equipment, and go through training to dehumanize and terrify them to encourage them to kill at the slightest hint of danger

            Maybe we should stop letting them larp around like an occupying force…

            • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
              22 months ago

              I’ve said for awhile now that they’re welcome to all of that.

              If they are also subject to UCMJ.

              • @theneverfox
                32 months ago

                I’d rather they just not have any of that, but a stricter judicial system for those carrying the monopoly on violence sounds like a good idea

      • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Also the fact that cops have less accountability over dead civilians than the troops is horrifying. Like I’m glad we hold the troops somewhat accountable from time to time, but holy fuck the cops don’t understand that there are people who for any reason won’t behave like they expect innocent people to even while innocent.

        And yeah cops are also civilians but they don’t know that and sometimes the university police MRAP confuses me as to whether or not they’re actually civilians or are an occupying force.

        • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
          32 months ago

          University Police MRAP are not words I ever thought I’d read. And yeah a significant portion of my posts on police shootings are trying to get people to understand that our police operate with less accountability than a scared 19 year old in a war zone.

          • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
            22 months ago

            Yeah I wish I could say that that’s the only nearby police bullshit I learned from John Oliver. But yeah local police just buy weapons of war because they can get it cheap and idk why we sell it to them

  • @phoenixz@lemmy.ca
    362 months ago

    I’m trying to think in a way, any way, that you could spin this in to a positive thing.

    I can’t think of one. There is no way to make this look like a good thing for anyone except a very all group of people.

    So how do they sell this to their constituents?

    • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
      152 months ago

      Because they think the cops are the good guys and that civilian review boards exist to hinder them and prevent them from keeping themselves and everyone else safe. Especially because they think that the people who’d join a civilian review board are anti cop.

      On the left we’re aware of the police problem but there’s a lot of pro cop and anti criminal propaganda in American culture still and many people still believe whatever the cops say.

      Also racism obviously plays a role here

    • @teamevil@lemmy.world
      132 months ago

      Only liberal trans commie folk would ever think to question let alone attempt to hold them responsible‽ Best stupid logic I can imagine…

    • @acetanilide@lemmy.world
      72 months ago


      If it’s anything like where I’m at, cops (and troops) are heroes and therefore any criticism (or even showing the slightest doubt) of their actions is seen as anti-American

    • Subverb
      42 months ago

      They believe that civilian boards and panels are made up of “woke” activists that want to screech at them and defund them. Since these panels aren’t as hardline conservative/fascist as they are, they’re “libtards” who shouldn’t have a say in these “conservative” matters.

  • @p5yk0t1km1r4ge@lemmy.world
    342 months ago

    WOW. I know he’s a scumlord GOP bootlicker, but this is bad, even for them. Unsurprising, though; all they want is to cause suffering, control woman, punish the poor, suck off the rich, and spread hate. Absolute garbage of a “human being”. What a disgusting, soulless wretch of a “man”.

  • comador
    342 months ago

    Sounds oddly like Brownshirts authoritarian powers.

  • @FiniteBanjo@lemmy.today
    252 months ago

    I really hope this leads to flipping Florida, but past experience tells me people aren’t even smart enough to know they’re being oppressed in red states.

    • FenrirIII
      132 months ago

      As long as people they don’t like are being hurt more, they’ll bend over and ask for more. 🙋‍♂️

    • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
      22 months ago

      Well considering the government there has taken to ignoring the will of the people in regards to who gets to vote, I’m not hopeful.

  • @Conyak@lemmy.tf
    232 months ago

    I already committed to never go to Florida again and this just reaffirms my stance.

      • @NegativeInf@lemmy.world
        12 months ago

        Right! Just imagine if we hadn’t seen the video of that cop tucking and rolling 6 times and pumping his police car full of lead because an acorn fell from a tree and hit the roof and he assumed the cuffed, secured civilian in his car was shooting at him. We might have reason to believe the cops are like trained or something.