• Johannes Silverfox
    41 year ago

    Atari 2600…I remember the games I got with it quite well (River Raid, The Activision Decathalon), thought I’m not sure if I had a favorite…I played it quite a lot until I got an NES around 1989 and proceeded to play that any spare moment I had, hehe. Action, adventure, RPGs, sports…I played them all ^^

  • Faoluin
    31 year ago

    NES. I played the shit out of Mega Man 2, Super Mario Bros 3, and Legacy of the Wizard.

    • @makuus
      21 year ago

      I owned—still do, but I used to, too—Legacy of the Wizard. Thought the setting was cool, the music cool, but never could figure out how to beat it—except by password. Something about the combinations of characters required, with some dexterity. I wonder if I’d be able to crack it now that I’m older and a little more practiced.

      • Faoluin
        11 year ago

        I’m certain I looked up a guide at one point, because yeah, items and characters were pretty unintuitive. And the map was absolutely labyrinthine. Definitely one of those ones where you had to take good notes.

  • @SpitfireA
    31 year ago

    Mine was the Sega Genesis.

    Sonic 2 and a Tiny Toons game were my favorites as a kid.

    • Revoker
      21 year ago

      Mine as well, I also remember playing true lies on it as well.

  • @Paleheart
    31 year ago

    Atari 2600 unless commodore 64 counts

    And probably the star wars game I had, the one with the at at’s

  • Melpomene
    1 year ago

    My family being poor and all, we were usually a fair bit behind the times. So… an Atari 2600 when all the cool kids were rocking new Nintendo and Sega brand systems. Not that we didn’t have fun though!

  • Takel
    1 year ago

    Sega Game Gear – my parents had this whole Thing about not wanting me to hook stuff up to the TV (although I occasionally convinced them to rent a Genesis and a few games for the weekend). Favorite game…hard to say, probably one of the Sonic games but I don’t remember which.

    If only non-portable consoles count, they did eventually pick up a used NES (and later got me a Nintendo 64 as a birthday gift). Favorites there are Legend of Zelda and Ogre Battle 64.

  • @makuus
    21 year ago

    The first I ever got to play on the regular was my brother’s Intellivision.

    My first was the NES, for which my favorite was Crystalis. I still have both the console and the game, now many years later.

  • @StellarioOPM
    21 year ago

    Mine was NES. I think Dragon Warrior was my favorite. I was never any good at side scrollers.

    • @Null
      21 year ago

      My first was my NES. I know it’s a favorite for a lot, but mine is Super Mario Bros 3. I was definitely a sucker for the movie The Wizard.

        • @KoboldCoterie
          31 year ago

          My mind was completely fucking blown the first time I realized you could use a warp whistle in the warp zone to skip to the 3rd set of levels.

  • @Popsip
    21 year ago

    The SNES. Super Mario World was mostly my go to when I played on that console.

  • Egypt Urnash
    21 year ago

    I was going to say that Yar’s Revenge was the least shitty game on the VCS but then I remembered that I had a Fairchild Channel F before the VCS. It was the first home console with a cartridge slot. Everything about it was terrible and awkward, there were only moving dots in three colors and abstract boops. It had these supremely weird controllers that I can best describe as a Hitachi Magic Wand with a triangular head. I honestly cannot remember the name of a single game on it.

  • RedditExodus
    21 year ago

    NES Tetris. I thought I was good at Tetris until I started watching the yearly CTWC. RIP Jonas.

  • Cactopuses
    21 year ago

    My first console was the SNES and I had Super Mario World on it, which I played constantly haha

    Probably my favourite that I remember was Zelda OoT on the N64 though.

  • Pissy Badger
    21 year ago

    First video game console was the Atari 2600. I’d have to say my favourite game was Yar’s revenge.

  • Ruweg
    21 year ago

    The original Gameboy was my first. I remember playing Tetris as the “tower making game” I was about 5 at the time, so quite naive. I’m still not great at it.

    The games I played the most were Pokemon ones. I played a lot of Red, and my poor parents couldn’t explain the English screen text to my little Dutch mind. It gave me the motivation to learn English. I remember beating the game with a lv. 100 Blastoise who suddenly used the secret move “struchel” (struggle), kids in my class were amazed that I beat the game at the time.

    I would still use my original Gameboy into the second Pokemon generation with Pokemon gold. My grandmother was very confused when I freaked out when I faced “myself” (Red) in the caves of Mt. Silver.

  • Claude LeChat
    21 year ago

    @Stellario A Famiclone mom bought with considerable effort towards the mid-nineties, when my friends had original SNES machines.

    But I loved mine. There were tons of great titles. Bomberman. Battle City. Star Force. A bootleg Prince of Persia with an alternate (and very hard) level set.

    Still went back to a PC later when it was an option, and never owned another console. But the memories remain.