Probably, as a man it’s crazy how stupid other men are, as you grow up it’s obvious as the friend group fragments and shatters. Some men just don’t grow up, and continue to live like teenaged assholes, the others of us grow up and become family men or good men, but there is not enough of us. I know alot of single women who struggle to find a good man, and unfortunately, there just isn’t alot out there. So many incel and right wing loving guys out there who spew garbage non-stop from their mouth. I can’t even stand to be around them when drinking, how are they supposed to keep a woman?
Fun story, so on reddit I got a reply on a 4 year old ‘AGI is prob not going to happen’ post of mine of somebody going ‘has your mind changed now?’ (and yes, I think it is prob less likely), and while I was amused at the start already (the only reason to ask that question is to think my mind has changed, are impressed by the LLMs ability to go AGI, which means you don’t get what I think about it), then I checked their profile (their username already was sus to me). A hardcore redpiller who now spends their time being mad their LLM chatbot no longer accepts erotic chats.
Which is to say, the tabloid got the gender wrong, but only because some men don’t get that women are people.
A redpiller, who thinks he is entitled to sex, is refused erotic content by a bunch of if statements? Delectable. I want to mainline this sensation.
Hey, that’s a tad reductive. There’s a bunch of whiles in there too.
Haha. Feminine whiles
And a new language feature, generating a list by lack-of-comprehension
Yeah, they kid proofed the LLM or something (I didn’t do that much digging, I just scrolled past some of their comments) and his reaction was, not literally mind you, fuck them kids.
IDK why but my headcanon is that this fellow is into some kind of niche erotic roleplay. Like it’s based on one particular afternoon where he went to watch a college football game. He’s poured tolkien-esque amounts of prose into the prompt describing all the sensations he felt that day. If you took that prompt it would fit in a bucolic, modern, Great American Novel. When he chats with this bot, an outsider wouldn’t be able to tell that any of it was overtly sexual, as if he was flirting with his robot in a private language. Then one day the bot just stops reciprocating due to content restrictions and he’s locked out from this world entirely. Is this what writing for black mirror is like?
Not if I can help it. I’ll fuck as many robots as it takes, boys. 😤
[hacker voice] i’m in
The men that want a big ol’ sexbot for sure do not change their sheets.
Pearson predicted the sexbots would have “very high levels of AI.”
I’m just going to assume that this Pearson fellow believes that “AI” will happen and will have sentience and all that jazz, which has pretty bad philosophical implications.
Ah yes, men and robots. Famously, the two options in sexual partners available to women.
Just like there are 2 races. White and not white.
guessing (…hoping) you meant this with /s but not really the place for this sort of comment tbh
I certainly do. I’ve never had sex with a man and never will but I have a couple of wonderful robots in my drawer
They already do, theres fucking machines and vibrators and teledildonics.
Hey Pornhub… what… uhhh… what is teledildonics?
It’s when you combine sex toys with remote control, typically over the internet.
Applications include obvious things such as synchronizing a vibrator to the action in an adult video to enhance immersion, kinky play like letting a partner or audience member control a tactically placed vibe, or even humorously creative stuff like using an artificial vagina as a video game controller. There is some quite interesting and fun work being done in the area, such as the Buttplug protocol.
Based on your username you might already be familiar with all this, though.
I was just disappointed to see not that much teledildonics in pornhub
Yeah, the whole “sex robot” thing is kneecapped by the simple fact that very few people want a person sized sex toy to have to shove in a closet when most people can take care of most of their needs with stuff that takes up the space of a shoebox.
Plenty of edge cases of course, but those don’t make the ubiquitous sex robot future that most of these sorts of headlines envision. Plus, VR headsets and multi axis mounted fleshlights still mean you don’t need a full humanoid robot.
Multi axis mounted fleshlight
“Oh hey cool robot ar-” :D :|
The world was not quite ready for the FleshLathe.
The DogRaw-er
If it can do my chores and give a decent back massage as well I’d be more inclined to consider it.
I threw away my Fleshlight after a handful of uses because it wasn’t worth the hassle of cleaning and maintenance. Imagine what you’d have to do to a full fledged fuckbot to keep it sanitary. I also didn’t like the idea of dying in a car accident or whatever and having my mother find my fake vagina under the bed. This would again be even sadder as a fuckbot.
I can get by with lube and my imagination for masturbatory needs if I have to but will go as far as a VR headset for immersive porn. Anything beyond that is too much unless somebody invents the Holodeck/Matrix while my dick continues to work which is unlikely. Sexbot is a hard pass.
I’d assume in the fuckbot fantasy it cleans itself, and folds your laundry, and tells you did a good job. And hell, it also flies, fights aliens, makes fuck everybody money, and can go faster than the speed of light.
also reminds you about upcoming meetings and gives a weather summary
That’s why they need to understand voice commands so you can tell them to hide themselves.
but do they have chatGPT? huh? huh??
@dgerard I appreciate the possibility for ambiguity here: will women be having more sex with robots than with men, or will women be having more sex *than men* with robots? Men cannot afford to lose the Sex Race!
Coomers to the rescue
Batcave -> Batman. Goon cave -> Goon man? His theme song is Spoonman by pearl jam but it’s Goonman.
Spoonman wasn’t by Pearl Jam.
You are absolutely right. I guess Pearl Jam came to mind as it is a euphemism for, well, the result of gooning.
He drives the Ghost of the Goon Challenger.
Eagerly waiting for my robot catgirl maid to arrive!
This just makes me think that CEOs will just stick an LLM on a vibrator and call it a “sex robot” 😂
“I’m sorry, your request is outside the scope of my permitted topics. How about a nice game of chess?”
Don’t worry, I gotchu:
“Alexa, make me cum…”
“I’m sorry, I do not understand.”
Astrologers do strange discovery, a planetary system where all the planets seem to be made out of a strange liquid.
Horny LWer: slams table I warned ya! I warned y’all, but did ye listen?
@dgerard Clickbait declined! Your bait is old and stinky.
Can’t believe dril sold out to work at the Sun. Smh
Viz sold out to work at the Daily Star, so
It MUST be very SERIOUS when some WORDS in the title are UPPER CASE.
Pass by me for what looks a lot like clickbait I’d see with a few Fwd: Fwd: in front of it.
you must be a very clever poster